LOL Thanks Doc! I found the BodyRecomp website right off too when I searched for elevated Estrogen appetite related articles. What he says sounds like a great, and I'm sure well educated conclusion based on the study. But since I totally geek out on research like this, I was pretty annoyed that he was quite specific about promoting his damn book, but never linked to the actual study!
Lyle McDonald's Summary
Its interesting to note that the more fat you carry, the higher levels of Leptin you will secrete, and on top of that, people with lower body fat seem to nearly fall off the curve and secrete almost no leptin (ESPECIALLY very lean bodybuilders). This hormone, as McDonald descibes is there to apparently prevent starvation, rather than deal with obesity as once thought. So the higher the level of leptin, the less you'll want to eat. Estrogen also plays a very similar, overlapping role in the brain:
Not that we're calling your mid/late cycle plateau a Menstrual cycle, doc! But this explains a lot, and there just aren't that many studies out there on how estrogen affects the male body in terms of appetite. Fortunately, our amazing rediculously complex endocrine system acts remarkably similar in males and females, to a certain degree at least.
Ironically, there's another homone produced in the stomach that does just the opposite. Ghrerlin , which in my mind sounds more like Norse folklore than modern medical science, signals the brain that you're hungry. Now I haven't dove into that one yet, not even sure how you'd begin to stimulate that or even want to, if you're already battling high estrogen levels first. You could take it a step further by adding GHRP-2 which is known specifically to induce hunger by stimulating the production of Ghrelin.
My thoughts based on all this: Get your E2 levels back down (which is a given anyway)... And try a short burst of intermittent fasting to kickstart your metabolism and appetite again, which in and of itself has a lot of great benefits like increased growth hormone levels, increased fat burning potential etc. Don't settle for your body's attempt at homeostasis, force it out of it!
Docd187123 said:The science behind intermittent fasting is PROVEN. You will burn MORE fat and have higher test/HGH levels than that 6 small meals crap.
Anyone who writes it off without reading the research/science behind it is an idiot.
I'm a fan of IF if its convenient for you and your schedule but to say you'll burn more fat and have higher hormone levels is not true. Not unless you plan on fasting for 24hours - 5days
The 5-d fast resulted in a significant increase in discrete GH pulse frequency (5.8±0.7 vs.9.9±0.7pulses/24h,P= 0.028),24h integrated GH concentration (2.82±0.50vs.8.75±0.82 gmin/ml;P=0.0002), and maximal pulse amplitude (5.9±1.1 vs. 12.3±1.6 ng/ml, P < 0.005).
However, caution should be exercised, as acute changes may produce different efects on GH secretion when compared with chronic changes. In addition, interactions between metabolites may be vital.In summary, the present study demonstrates that the nutritional state is a major determinant of spontaneous rhythmic GH secretion in man. Although 5d of fasting might be considered unphysiological, fasting for 12-24h is common for most animal species and primitive man. Accordingly, the choice of well-fed industrialized man as a model to study the pulsatile properties of GH release may therefore be inappropriate, and may explain why an ultradian pattern of secretion had not been demonstrated previously.
^^^a 16/8 fasting/feeding window is not the same as a 24-120hr fast. Its more than a stretch to reach the conclusions youve made and to call anyone an idiot for it.
Halfwit, I stopped by to visit my brother today and for some reason or other he was watching Sponge Bob. Guess who instantly came to mind![]()
Hahaha. Man, so much to read in this thread still! Glad you revived your log, I had honestly forgotten about it!![]()
Dude I sweat normally in the middle of winter in a t-shirt. That was BEFORE my cycle. Test E has made it WORSE. When I tried clen for a few days it made it WORSER lol. Besides physical sides I don't think E2 is doing much. Mood has been pretty good even after getting some bad news a few times, I go through slight bouts of depression here and there (have been since middle school), but nothing out of the ordinary. I did get enraged when some bs drama happened at my job and I was in the middle of it but I was able to control myself and keep myself from doing anything I'd regret or may cost me my job. I have a pretty good control over my thoughts and actions. I'm usually in full control of everything and put my self through little "tests" all the time just to see how strong willed I can be.Ocdude
I'm actually researching to get my sister to do a keto diet now, don't think IF would be good for her. She's a few years younger than me so obviously big bro has to help haha. She has problems losing weight (she's not fat thiugh but a little overweight) and she wants to drop maybe 10lbs of fat or so and increase lbm by 5-10lbs. The problem is she's diabetic (since 12yo) and hypothyroidic/Hashimoto hypothyroiditis. I'm trying to figure out how keto and IF would affect her and have asked a few ppl but her doctor thinks it'd be a bad idea. I can see how they would be limiting the times she eats and taking in almost no carbs but I want to find out for sure one way or another before implementing such protocols.
So I've been pondering on the whole diabetic diet issue and oddly enough my coworker brought this up yesterday after his doc yelled at him about his weight, diabetes issues etc, and handed him a meal plan based on paleo diet. it seems like you could make a modified Keto plan work, or paleo seems to be popular for certain diabetics. And it appears with the right foods, might even be able to reduce insulin dependence. She would want to have glucose tabs or snacks on hand for those low blood sugar quick fixes. An overall balanced diet with lowered carb intake looks possible, But I ain't no endo or nutritionist!
Lets see some progress pics =)))
doc are you pulling from complex carbs or have you trasfered over to semi-simple yet?
I think of him as turbo for an AAS cycle.Shit imma hire 3j for my bulk! The guy knows all the crazy stuff like swapping out macro variants at the right time!