Doctors, or those in the know. How to treat high estro levels?


New member
Had bloodwork done recently and estrogen was found to be high 167 pg/ml. This is NOT a post cycle therapy (pct) question. My estro level may be age related. Should I employ an anti e ?If so what dose/duration. I feel that this is the reason I have high abdominal fat even though diet is clean. Any help will be appreciated.
The estrogens don't really matter much EXCEPT FOR estradiol (E2). It is possible to have high estrogens and normal estradiol, so I would highly advise you to get your estradiol checked. Your doctor should specify 'sensitive' on the test... otherwise the lab will run the rapid fertility version of the test.

Estradiol can be controlled with an aromatase inhibitor such as Arimidex. Follow-up bloodwork is needed to determine the proper dosage. It will probably be something along the lines of .25-.5 mg every 2-3 days.

More adipose tissue (fat) means more of the aromatase enzyme which means more estradiol. The aromatase enzyme is especially found in higher concentrations in the middle of the abdominal area. If you are overweight in the waist area, then that might explain increased estradiol.
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ANy problems associated with taking Arimidex to help reduce estradiol?
The only problem that I have heard of is that its too strong for some people. One guy only took .25mg every 6 days, and his estradiol was still too low. Without the Arimidex, his estradiol went high again. I think he finally gave up and started using DIM (available OTC).
Thanks Mrank,
Do you have any advice that I could apply toward this problem now. Are there any supplements that might help. I don't know how concerned my physician is about the estro, as my bodyfat is about 16%. I just don't like the fact at how the fat has collected in that area more so than the rest of the body.
sarcoplasm said:
Thanks Mrank,
Do you have any advice that I could apply toward this problem now. Are there any supplements that might help. I don't know how concerned my physician is about the estro, as my bodyfat is about 16%. I just don't like the fact at how the fat has collected in that area more so than the rest of the body.

That might be just genetics and may take some serious cardio and dieting to really reduce the fat in that area. Unfortunalty it will probably be the last spot for the fat to leave
sarcoplasm/jpflex66: Read about DIM here.

DIM is really popular among testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) users in one of the popular HRT forums. Not all DIM is created the same though. Most of the guys in the HRT forum use this Indolplex with DIM with good success.

Now, this stuff typically brings the estradiol down, but not the other estrogens. In fact, it might actually increase the other estrogens. Usually, the other estrogens usually aren't much of a concern. However, sarcoplasm, your estrogens are pretty high and maybe they need to be brought be honest, the jury is still out on that question. Estradiol is the most significant of the three big estrogens, but the others might have significance as well.