does age change pct


New member
hello everybody my uncle just started a cycle of Sustanon (sust) 250/500ml weekly he is 51 I have a a post cycle therapy (pct) prepared for him but he wanted me to ask you guys if his age should change the post cycle therapy (pct) treatment any he is going to start Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 2 times a week for the last 4 weeks then after last shot he will be on 40 mg nolva daily his weight is 194 now and is expected to get to at least 220 ht 6'1 any input?
wow, can't believe no one has touched this yet.. Has your uncle had his Test levels checked lately?? I ask because, Yes, age can definetly factor in when it comes to post cycle therapy (pct). Reason being is that once you hit your 40's (generally speaking), your natty test levels are in decline and it is VERY POSSIBLE at 51 that his natty test levels are already below the avg/norm.. so he may not even want to bother w/PCT. May just want to run HRT/TRT year round. ..and I would suggest Test Cyp or E. Do you follow me??? If not, repond back and I'll elaborate.
I'll give you another bump, would like to hear more as well.

Also, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is generally less effective as you age, but I've never seen any age-specific post cycle therapy (pct) changes on that front. I would probably use one of the testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) recommended dosages for hcg; generally something near 400IU 3x week though; if no noticable shrinkage/volume issues, could try 250iu 3x week.
Normal testosterone levels, male testosterone level, and testosterone levels in men.

45-54 600 ng/dl <<< if that I doubt it in most cases

basically, yes...

No matter how well the post cycle therapy (pct) is done an older male WILL NOT NOT NOT recover to normal levels that a younger male recovers to.

Most testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) in place of post cycle therapy (pct).

The older you are the lower your levels.

The older you are the harder it is to recover.

The older you are the the greater the basis for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) vs. post cycle therapy (pct)
TRT is the way he needs to go imo. Thats a win-win situation!!
Thanks guys for the input my uncle did not check his test levels anytime that I know of he works out 5 days a week eats right and is in good shape. but I do need do be educated on the TRT/HRT jayc..And why test cyp or E..Are they stronger then Sustanon (sust) 250 or just better for a guy his age.
In that case is there no need to run a PCT at all if he is going to run testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) in between cycles? I ask because I am 47 years old.
I'm in the over 40 range....closer to his age then 40 :)
But I would have had mt test levels checked before starting this cycle. When he is done have him get his test levels check about 5 wks after last shot of sus.
Chances are the doc will put him on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and if not he needs to seek another opinion to be sure.
I personally have excepted my levels are low and run 200mg ew of test-c or e in between cycles throwing all post cycle therapy (pct) ancillaries out the window.

Curious about the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) thing in older males. I get the point behind it but have never read anything pertaining to older males. Interesting ........gonna look into that one.
Peace Oz
It also depends on how long he stays on a cycle and how high the doses are. I am 63 and i run 8 week cycles of moderate doses 400mg Eq,500mg test E weekly and i let my system recover on it's own,which it does. I know my test levels are lower because of my age but they are fine as they are and i dont need HRT. I am not training for contest just getting back into shape. I did a lot of cycles when i was in my 30's and used Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) to help.
It also depends on how long he stays on a cycle and how high the doses are. I am 63 and i run 8 week cycles of moderate doses 400mg Eq,500mg test E weekly and i let my system recover on it's own,which it does. I know my test levels are lower because of my age but they are fine as they are and i dont need HRT. I am not training for contest just getting back into shape. I did a lot of cycles when i was in my 30's and used Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) to help.

Wow....Thats hard to believe your test levels are ok for your age. AND you do NO pct.....hmmm. Are you married and don't you lose your sex drive after a cycle?
I would be concerned the wang is dead as a door nail with no pct and no TRT.
Just because you are not in a contest doesn't mean you have to be on TRT. I'm confused with this one....good for you though if you recover without pct!
I was actually thinking of taking something to curb my sex drive while on test. It drives me nuts when I all I think about is sex 24/7....drives the wife nuts too :rolleyes:
Wow....Thats hard to believe your test levels are ok for your age. AND you do NO pct.....hmmm. Are you married and don't you lose your sex drive after a cycle?
I would be concerned the wang is dead as a door nail with no pct and no TRT.
Just because you are not in a contest doesn't mean you have to be on TRT. I'm confused with this one....good for you though if you recover without pct!
I was actually thinking of taking something to curb my sex drive while on test. It drives me nuts when I all I think about is sex 24/7....drives the wife nuts too :rolleyes:
I guess its because i dont stay on them for more tha 8 weeks,im sure if i stayed on them 12 to 16 weeks i would have more of a problem. I set up my cycles and training for 8 weeks and train 100% for that time ,i train with my son who is 36 and we both do the same cycles and he doesnt have a problem fact he got his wife pregnant about a month after our last cycle. i do keep some Nolvadex and letro on hand,but i wony use it uless i have to.
I have always worked out so mabythat has an effect on my test levels. i wpuldnt want to testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) unless i had to,i would rather supplement evry 8 weeks.
Thats cool my friend. Glad you are here....hope to see you stick around. I like hearing from my elders as I learn from them.
Peace Oz
I joined a gym in 1978,it was a hardcore bodybuilding and power lifting gym. In about 1980 we started to use AAS and at the time i knew the person who supplied everything. At the time we knew of Nolvadex and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) but all the stuff available now wasnt there or we didnt know about it. We had at least 30 guys that were hardcore and used AAS and i dont remember them using any kind of stuff to get their system jump started like they do now with NOlVADEX, Clomid and whats availble now.We used the Nolvadex to get rid of gyno,we didnt know it helped start your system and nobody used Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) either.Everybody just stopped taking and let their system get back to normal by itself.There were some powerlifters there that used a lot of test too for 12 weeks traing for meets. I dont remember anybody having problems, i did 3 -8 week cycles a year for 3 or 4 years and always let my system normalize itself.
I joined a gym in 1978,it was a hardcore bodybuilding and power lifting gym. In about 1980 we started to use AAS and at the time i knew the person who supplied everything. At the time we knew of Nolvadex and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) but all the stuff available now wasnt there or we didnt know about it. We had at least 30 guys that were hardcore and used AAS and i dont remember them using any kind of stuff to get their system jump started like they do now with NOlVADEX, Clomid and whats availble now.We used the Nolvadex to get rid of gyno,we didnt know it helped start your system and nobody used Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) either.Everybody just stopped taking and let their system get back to normal by itself.There were some powerlifters there that used a lot of test too for 12 weeks traing for meets. I dont remember anybody having problems, i did 3 -8 week cycles a year for 3 or 4 years and always let my system normalize itself.

I agree a 100% with that... I didnt start aas until the 90s and it was still that way.

But, I knew of no one that used 2g+ of AAS EW... Which these days when you total the orals and injectables many do use 2g+

First time i ever used I didn't use anything PCT... We didn't know about it... I did crash... I recall (no BS) the old Dr. pepper commercials and getting emotional.
I guess its because i dont stay on them for more tha 8 weeks,im sure if i stayed on them 12 to 16 weeks i would have more of a problem. I set up my cycles and training for 8 weeks and train 100% for that time ,i train with my son who is 36 and we both do the same cycles and he doesnt have a problem fact he got his wife pregnant about a month after our last cycle. i do keep some Nolvadex and letro on hand,but i wony use it uless i have to.
I have always worked out so mabythat has an effect on my test levels. i wpuldnt want to testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) unless i had to,i would rather supplement evry 8 weeks.

Are you running 8W on & 8W off?
I take more than 8 weeks off,i finish the last few weeks with quick release test and winstrol. My last long ester shots are at 6 weeks.
I gave up on just getting off everything... I finnish and run 20mg of Anavar (var) or 20mg halo ED... which ever one my doc scripts.
Ozzy - I want your feedback on this.

My Doctor- Palm Beach Life Extension put me on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) (I had 167 test level) and knows I am "cycling" (cause it jumped to 3800 - doing eq and test at 500mg each/week). They want me to do post cycle therapy (pct) with TRT. Suggested starting Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) two weeks berfore end of cycle and running 40 days (every day) and to start Clomid two weeks after last shot and run 30 days - all WHILE doing 250ml test every week. So I'd be running post cycle therapy (pct) with Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) - they said that is the NEW way of doing it.
