Does anyone actually ever pin here??


Test / Dbol
Ventrogluteal injection, was gonna try it here in a minute but it's never really talked about much. Any success, fails, advice?

Btw...mainly because opening day bow season on Monday, trying not to pin upper body or quads for a few days. Also... Prop e/d
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Ventor is almost no pain and nice spot to inject bro. I pin 3 ml once a week on my Ventros and I like it better than other site .
how do you find the ventro ive always been nervous im gonna like run into my hip or something.
you should be able to feel the muscle there, or stand on one leg and lift the other up, you should see the ventro glute flex and bulge out. i myself have never injected there even though i want to, i don't know why i'm so nervous to.
Definitely stay away first cycle unless your comfortable pinning...becvause its trial and one gets it right the first