Does Anyone know a Research Co. that has their products tested?


New member
TO see if they are what they say and if they are as strong as they state? I dont think they are regulated by anyone, just thought it would be a good selling point. Anyone?
Regulated? Of course they are not regulated. :D

But if they sponsored said tests, there would be just as many people who would say "oh sure so that batch was good."

Their supplies aren't expensive, they have plenty of room for profit margin without stiffing you on product. From everywhere I have bought aromatase inhibitors I can tell you they work.
Just thought one of the research companies might have

gotten an independent lab to do some testing. I guess its only done on UG products. Thanks
also keep in mind this is pharmaceutical level, in order to become a pharmaceutical you have to follow and extended line of rules it also depends in the contry but most like they have to keep records available for many years.
I don't think it comes down to cost imo (even for UG steroid products)

The fact is, when a label gets very big they will run into supply issues. They will not be able to import powders fast enough to meet the demand. They have 2 basic choices:

1- Lose money by being sold out of a certain product waiting for supplies to arrive.
2- Underdose products to increase their supply

It's really not about the cost of raw materials for the most part. A few raw materials are expensive (Tren, Anavar, primo, aromasin) Everything else is fairly cheap.
PNP tests their stuff, but like was mentioned, I'm sure it will be said that they sent in their best batch for testing.
i wouldnt trust a company if they had their own stuff tested anyway. it really wouldnt help them THAT much in my mind. if a trusted individual tested their stuff though, thats different for obvious reasons.
I agree, its not proof enough. Either you trust them by reputation and experience or you dont.