Does anyone know the record for benching 225 lbs the most times

jocktheglide said:
someone told me the NFL combine does not do full lockout reps. He said they should do touch, pause, lockout, but he said what they did was touch and go with no lockout. I guess he seen it on tv....

The difference is when reping out at a combine the coaches wanna see how explosive you are. how often do you see an NFL dlineman hold a olineman at his chest for a count then lockout... probably never. they are trying to have quick hands and snap the head on that olineman back its all about speed. doing a powerlifting compitetion type lift, where youre told to lift after a pause, might not be as useful for them.
pullinbig said:
phil farmer hit 315 for 49 reps and racked it. he had more left but stopped there. he does sets of 20 with 405. no spot. he als has a 655 raw bench to his credit. squats over 8 and pulls 8 raw as well. 605 raw for a set of 20 on squats too. no spot. world record holder PLer turned body builder. he has also done some strong man events.

Jesus titty fuckin christ, thats unreal pullinbig i'd like to see that. thats making light work with most big guys max.

i know there was a dlineman who played for Michigan back in the mid 90's i can't think of his name, but supposedly did 225 for about 65 reps and 315 for mid 30's, he got drafted by the raiders i believe. he was a short ass NT, if anybody remembers his name shoot it out, its got me thinking to hard.
dude said:
I don't know how many reps is the most ever done but I was just thinking about the 225 bench yesterday watching the pro-bowl star challenge. I was wondering if anyone knew why the NFL uses 225 as a standard. I mean it doesn't really relate to football when someone benches 225 30+ times in a row. Most plays last 20-30 seconds if that football players train for immediate and explosive power.
20 to 30 seconds no most plays only last around 10-15 or even less at that matter depending on how good the protection is.
Killin said:
The difference is when reping out at a combine the coaches wanna see how explosive you are. how often do you see an NFL dlineman hold a olineman at his chest for a count then lockout... probably never. they are trying to have quick hands and snap the head on that olineman back its all about speed. doing a powerlifting compitetion type lift, where youre told to lift after a pause, might not be as useful for them.
old post, but hey I never thought of that since I dont play FB....yeah being explosive is more valuable than say pause then push in NFL... :naughty: you would hate to tell the guy, "hold bro before I push you just pause with me"
Well bodybuilding .com has a video on it of Phil Heath doing it 43 times....and he had more. Check it out and update your postings because the proof is in the video!
pullinbig said:
phil farmer hit 315 for 49 reps and racked it. he had more left but stopped there. he does sets of 20 with 405. no spot. he als has a 655 raw bench to his credit. squats over 8 and pulls 8 raw as well. 605 raw for a set of 20 on squats too. no spot. world record holder PLer turned body builder. he has also done some strong man events.

Phil is a strong dude....I was amazed at how fast he bounced back after his downtime from the gym(i believe due to surgery). I think he blew up from around 230lbs and sorta flat to 265-270lbs. Didnt put on any fat that i could see either.
PB how's he doing btw...havent heard from him in a long time. Hope he is well.
a guy at the gym i used to goto benched 225 52 times he was all of 5'5'' 230 big time juicer think he never off cycled hahaha. warren sapp is up there to with 40+ hes one of thr strongets ever in th enfl and larry allen is too. poun ofr pound archuelta is probably the strongest natural human on the planet. i saw him training and he takes a barbell with 405 and does step ups on a box. ubeleivable. btw my best is 26 at 225 and 11 at 315 when i took t-bomb(the old stuff). man gnc used to be awesome now its gay
Seen a video of Jeremy Freeman dong 54 reps!!
But in my opinion he only went about 4/5 the way down??
i did 42 at the combine back a few years ago. weighed 285. depends on the guy judging the reps. the guy before me who was roided out of his fucking mind got away with half reps and the guy busted my balls about 2 inches off my chest. i think its alot harder to stop right before then bounce it. plus not good for guys with long arms like me. at the combine you can pump them out as fast as you want no lockout. the way i trained for it was to get the first 20 without breathing then a breath every 5 reps after. i would imagine for full rep lockouts the record cant be more then 50. locking out puts alot of work on your muscles.
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Bouncing Bench

In 1989 I joined the Bally's in Studio City
and was reffered by Scott Mendelson, a friend of mine since then, and I hit 225lbs 48 times.
Granted, I didnt pause every rep like you do
in competition, but I bounced that bar off my chest 48 times!
Call it what you want but I did it and it was a record at that gym , at that time.
Thank You,
Bruce Comtois
p.s. I couldnt wipe my a$$ for days after that.
how can you even define this exactly?

half the idiots i see in the gym don't lower the weight all the way. then there's tons of idiots who only lift is 2-3 inches off there chest and back down.
phil farmer hit 315 for 49 reps and racked it. he had more left but stopped there. he does sets of 20 with 405. no spot. he als has a 655 raw bench to his credit. squats over 8 and pulls 8 raw as well. 605 raw for a set of 20 on squats too. no spot. world record holder PLer turned body builder. he has also done some strong man events.

When I did that, it was after I had just benched 600 for the first time.I hit that for a double no shirt and my buddy joe raynor ask me to go on the 315 and 49 is were we landed fucking crazy shit