Does Anyone Work 8+ Hours

Nutrition timing is highly overrated. As long as you meet your calorie total you're good as gold. Alan Aragon > broscience.

I'm working a 24hr shift friday, I'll have 2 large meals there, and I'll probably bring a couple greek yogurt singles and an apple or something as well.

I'd like to see what 3j has to say about this...

I usually take 1cup of oatmeal and 4 hardboiled eggs for breakfast (not ideal but works) Then a Shake with my own blend of complex carbs (52g) protein (50g) bcaa's and creatine (5g). For the final meal I have 8oz chicken breast that I throw on top of 2 servings of brown rice and flavored with some salsa. Then I eat as soon as I get home. If I'm cutting canned tuna or canned chicken works out real nice on top of crackers.
I'd like to see what 3j has to say about this...

If it wasn't true, Martin Berkhan would either be a fat fuck, or a skinny little puss, and he's neither: Intermittent fasting diet for fat loss, muscle gain and health

Intermittent fasting is a popular diet choice for shift workers. It allows you to really treat yourself when you eat, and you don't have to cart around a bunch of premade meals all day.

Truthfully, calories in - calories spent = net gain/loss.

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I eat Pussy for my job(pornstar). So i eat all day long baby!! Lol

Pornstar sounds like such a great job till you get aids. Think about it you're putting your dick on the line everyday like he's a foot soldier. Real foot soldiers are hero's but my penis is not... although some girls may disagree.

Porn director/producer is where it's at my friend!
So you clean my shit out of the water so I can drink it? How do you manage a meal when you're busy playing with turd balls?
Do ya'll have ADD or something? It's like you can't even stick to a fuc- OH LOOK A SQUIRREL!
I eat no matter what. It drives my National VP crazy but she's gotten used to it. I have been known to grub when I am doing interviews, during staff meetings, anytime I need to, I just do it. My staff and patients have gotten used to it.

I tell them, "You want a happy and healthy Director?" Our health insurance premiums are based upon how much we have used our insurance the previous year so I always point that out...
Nutrition timing is highly overrated. As long as you meet your calorie total you're good as gold. Alan Aragon > broscience.

I'm working a 24hr shift friday, I'll have 2 large meals there, and I'll probably bring a couple greek yogurt singles and an apple or something as well.

this is that IIFYM approach...

so lets eat 2 2000 calorie meals a day and see what happens

better yet eat 1 4000 calorie meal..

u'd be a fat fuck.. no offense to alan.. i respect the guy and all, but i dont agree with this philosophy
this is that IIFYM approach...

so lets eat 2 2000 calorie meals a day and see what happens

better yet eat 1 4000 calorie meal..

u'd be a fat fuck.. no offense to alan.. i respect the guy and all, but i dont agree with this philosophy

I have. I've dieted on one 3200 calorie meal per day, and I did it for 3 months, and I lost 7 pounds and didn't lose any of my lifts.

I really don't care if it doesn't jive with your personal philosophy, that is your prerogative. The fact is IIFYM works, and IF works. Both of them have been proven time and time again by countless numbers of people.

Do you know who IIFYM doesn't work for? People who cheat at calorie counting, or people who cannot accurately count calories, or people who mis-estimate their BMR or TEE.

You and I might disagree with this principle, but science backs up my belief, not yours.

Based on your philosophy I can eat 3200 calories of McDonald's.


If your daily intake to maintain was 3500, sure, you could eat 3200 cals of mcdonalds, and you WOULD lose weight.

HOWEVER, would that be optimal for health? No. Your cholesterol would probably get fucked. You wouldn't feel as good. Your BP might rise. Your sodium intake would be stupid high. You could face a ton of deleterious effects from chronic ingestion of JUST mcdonalds food @ 3200 cals per day. In addition, because mcdonalds food tends to be high in fat, it is extremely calorie dense, meaning that you will experience less satiety with the same total calories of food.

So eat up, if you want to lose weight, and possibly have a stroke.
I'm.glad your aware of that. We can debate about this in a bit I wanna get deeper into it.
I'm.glad your aware of that. We can debate about this in a bit I wanna get deeper into it.

Alrighty, I've got a few things going on tonight though, so i may or may not have speedy replies. I'm always up for nutrition talk. It's an ongoing struggle for me because at my work, I don't always control the food, so sometimes I'm eating bacon cheeseburgers, and I have to somehow make that work. This is why I usually volunteer to cook!

so lets take this one step further..

do you believe that the IFFYM or IF system will ever be something that pro olympian bodybuilders will use to prep for a show?? lets say they can use the iffym for the off season.. what about 20 weeks out or less?
Alrighty, I've got a few things going on tonight though, so i may or may not have speedy replies. I'm always up for nutrition talk. It's an ongoing struggle for me because at my work, I don't always control the food, so sometimes I'm eating bacon cheeseburgers, and I have to somehow make that work. This is why I usually volunteer to cook!


so lets take this one step further..

do you believe that the IFFYM or IF system will ever be something that pro olympian bodybuilders will use to prep for a show?? lets say they can use the iffym for the off season.. what about 20 weeks out or less?

No offense to either of you but I don't think IIFIYM is a solid dieting plan.

I've tried it and it didn't work so well for me.....maybe for others but all in all I think it's piss poor dieting advice.

my dailey maintnance calorie is right at about 3500 cal's per day. Under the "If it fits in your macros" theory I can eat whatever I want as long as i stay in those peramaters because a calorie is a calorie.....theoreticaly.

So lets say I eat 3 meals a day consisting of healthy foods, chicken, rice...whatever and after those 3 meals I have approx. 1500 calories, 200 grams of protein, 100 grams of carbs and so on......that leaves 2000 calories left for me to go have a double burger from McDonads and i'm hitting all my dailey needs, but whay am I not losing wieght.....or better yet why am I putting on fat?

Now lets say I have the same senario.....3500 cal's a day is my maintnance level. Say I eat 6 meals a day of lean chicken, fish, steak, brown rice, seet potatoes and such, and I end up eating 4200 cals a day.....but still lose weight.....or let me rephrase that, still losse body fat.

I've done both of these senarios and I can tell you no doubt that the second option has worked brilliant for me. For me at's not about caloric intake so much as it is about the foods i choose to eat.

IIFIYM is a fools diet IMO.