so lets take this one step further..
do you believe that the IFFYM or IF system will ever be something that pro olympian bodybuilders will use to prep for a show?? lets say they can use the iffym for the off season.. what about 20 weeks out or less?
IIFIYM is a fools diet IMO.
Well 3J, for one, Bodybuilding is not an olympic sport, so I don't know what a pro olympian would eatHehehe
Anyhow to answer your question, at 20 weeks out, IIFYM could work. The closer you get to contest day, the less I would rely on it. By 12 weeks out, you would want to be on a full pre-contest carb cycling diet.
Let me ask you this, would you put the average person that just wants to either gain weight or lose weight on a 12 week out pre-contest diet designed for an IFBB pro? A proper pre-contest diet is a temporary thing designed for a temporary goal, or else there would be no "off-season".
the 40/40/20 was for sake of argument..We are in absolute agreement here, and I suspect that we are actually in agreement on most things nutrition, besides the 6+ meals per day subject.
In reality, I practice IIFYM, but I eat extremely healthy food. I would also say that most people who take the time to literally count every calorie would probably also take in to consideration eating healthy foods. As a general rule, I am an IIFYM healthy eating fool, but I will have one cheat MEAL every so often, generally once a week. Note that's not "cheat DAY" but just one "unhealthy" type meal that I'm craving. I'd say this is probably pretty normal for any conscientious dieter.
I would never ever recommend someone gets on an IIFYM program and fills those macros with fast foods.
Oh, and in respect to 40/40/20, I don't really think that's optimal either. I pump the fats and drop the protein. I've never read a single piece of scientific literature that shows the benefit of eating over .8g per g of body weight. If you're on steroids, maybe more. To me, for a non-steroid-using healthy lifter, 40c/25p/35f is probably ideal. This allows for healthier food choices like chia seed, shelled hempseed/hemp hearts, quinoa, flax seed, fish of all kinds, fish oil supplements, nuts, etc. Guys love to neglect the fats, and when you're cycling on and off steroids, you should REALLY crank those healthy fats and watch your cholesterol.
the 40/40/20 was for sake of argument..
i agree.. never put a client over 300g protein myself.. i do like the range of 250-300g.
so it seems we are on the same page about all this for the most part..
good stuff..
In a shift?
I just got a call today that I start work tomorrow. The shifts are 8-9 hours long.
How do you eat 4 times while at work? Do you tell the bossman you are dieting? Won't it look bad if I am always back snacking every 2 hours? Do you cook 4 meals and pack it and take it to work with you? Or just gorge yourself before & after work?
How do you guys do it?
I bring multiple glad containers to work, I usually make 2-3 days worth of meals every couple of nights. Works great for me : )
lol at people who think they have to eat every 2-3 hrs. Meal timing is irrelevant. Hit your cals and your macros and that is all.
If you like to eat 6x a day, then that's great - but you don't need to force yourself to if you don't want to.