Does Clomid only usage off cycle shut down HPTA or suppress?


New member
Zeek's posts on Clomid were eye opening. He prompted me to look up a lot of studies.

As he suggested, Clomid seems to really do the trick.

My question to the forum is whether Clomid itself is suppressive and negatively affects HPTA; will function decrease below previous baseline upon cessation?

Also, Im just finishing my first cycle of 12wks 600mg Test with 50mg Proviron and 300mg Masteron from 7-12wk, and Im at the end of 4wks Clomid/Nolva pct now. Balls are huge, gym is insane, confidence returned, but libido non existent.

I did play with Aromisin during post cycle therapy (pct), and suspect estradiol suppression may be the key here. Quit Aromisin 4 days ago and got morning wood today. But, that would normally prompt me to have a bit of a wank, but no such urge was there.

Wondering if in addition to lowering E too much, the Nolvadex is killing my libido as Clomid isn't reported to do so.

Zeek, what about staying on 50mg ED Clomid only for a while going forward?

My concern is HPTA health overall. I'm not planning to cycle again as I'm happy with my retained gains.

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No studies I'm aware of or heard about say clomid is suppressive and does the opposite by pushing your own HPTA to produce more natural testosterone levels above baseline for as long as you take it. Too low or high estrogen can crush your libido so get blood work done @ .
I've read where the studies show it encourages the HPTA and increases testosterone. What I don't see are follow up studies on the same men to see if they've fallen to lower levels than before Clomid.

That is, studies on the after effects of Clomid HPTA stimulation and investigation into any ramifications to over stimulation long term by Clomid are absent.

Yes, I need bloodwork. Problem is I live in Japan and I kid you not they don't test these things, outside of a few exorbitantly expensive boutique private clinics.

Ill get bloods one way or another, but labs won't let me send my blood internationally and I can't just walk in and get it drawn without an ordeal in Japan; anything different is not accepted or understood here.
Testosterone is made by Leydig cells in the testes. The pituitary gland releases a hormone called luteinizing hormone that stimulates the Leydig cells to make testosterone. Testosterone is converted to the female hormone estrogen and estrogen tells the pituitary to stop making more LH. Clomid BLOCKS Estrogen, thus the pituitary gland continues to release LH, and your "boys" continues to pump out will not achieve homeostasis until you are OFF of the clomid, and you allow the enough estrogen to be produced (through aromatization of Testosterone), to cease LH production.