Does cycling lower your inmmune systems?

Big question with no research into it. One does wonder though the fact that the elderly are clearly the most effected by Covid 19 and there could be some connection to vitamin D deficiency whether that could carry over to other biology.
Big question with no research into it. One does wonder though the fact that the elderly are clearly the most effected by Covid 19 and there could be some connection to vitamin D deficiency whether that could carry over to other biology.

do the elderly do cycles?
my question is more directed to young over 26 years of age men who want to do a cycle? and if they are more prone to getting covid due to a lower immune system?
do the elderly do cycles?
my question is more directed to young over 26 years of age men who want to do a cycle? and if they are more prone to getting covid due to a lower immune system?

That is an interesting question as the elderly taking TRT or HRT would be more prone I believe.
Personally I dont worry about it. With a survival rate of over 99% if you do get it and I have been on gear pretty much more than not and I rarely ever get sick, for me I would like to think gear has not hampered my immune system. Because if it had im sure I would of at least got some sort of a cold more often. Like when I used to smoke cigarettes I would get bronchitis every year and some other type of cold once or twice a year on top of the bronchitis.

Covid is an amazing thing. It has basically eradicated the flu and pneumonia since it came on the scene.
If i do a cycle will it lower my defenses and up the chances of me getting covid?

a strong or weak immune system isn't going to dictate whether you get it or not

that's going to happen at any rate if you introduce it to the body

will the anabolic steroids make it harder or easier to fight off

unless you are going way over bored on the dosing & duration

pretty sure it's not going to make too much difference

but don't quote me on that !