i'm doing 50-75mg proviron ED and i know it increases free test but does it increase total test as a result?
currently doing 350mg test prop a week with no other aromatizing compounds, and i know with that dose of test 6.25mg aromasin ED has my e2 dialed in. i just want to know whether to increase my AI because of the proviron i've recently introduced. i'm getting bloods drawn sunday either way but i just want to know just out of curiosity. thanks in advance guys
currently doing 350mg test prop a week with no other aromatizing compounds, and i know with that dose of test 6.25mg aromasin ED has my e2 dialed in. i just want to know whether to increase my AI because of the proviron i've recently introduced. i'm getting bloods drawn sunday either way but i just want to know just out of curiosity. thanks in advance guys