does proviron raise TT as well?


i'm doing 50-75mg proviron ED and i know it increases free test but does it increase total test as a result?

currently doing 350mg test prop a week with no other aromatizing compounds, and i know with that dose of test 6.25mg aromasin ED has my e2 dialed in. i just want to know whether to increase my AI because of the proviron i've recently introduced. i'm getting bloods drawn sunday either way but i just want to know just out of curiosity. thanks in advance guys
Does she count ?
... I'm the "other guy"...proof that as my friend say s , looking good w ur clothes off can be just as good as having big $. I have not big money but ...43 yr old women appreciate a Spartan with a hard sword too. lol. My new vocation..."joy stick " for rich chick.
Tired of rich people so I fuck em .
Does she count ?
... I'm the "other guy"...proof that as my friend say s , looking good w ur clothes off can be just as good as having big $. I have not big money but ...43 yr old women appreciate a Spartan with a hard sword too. lol. My new vocation..."joy stick " for rich chick.
Tired of rich people so I fuck em .

She DEFINITELY counts! :horny:

No, proviron does not increase total testosterone. It increases free test by occupying androgen receptors over estradiol, and allowing testosterone to hop on for a piggy back ride. It also decreases SHBG, which is what gobbles up most test, preventing it from being free. :)