Doing an ECA Stack


NASCAR watching redneck
I'm currently doing an ECA stack, what are some of your experiences with the stack? I feel a little jittery, and I sweat like a pig during cardio tonight, and I sweat a little more than normal during the day of normal work. Is this normal?
Ephedrine and pseudoephedrine both make you jittery (I suppose after workout the most). That is normal.
shaved_head_in_baghdad said:
I'm currently doing an ECA stack, what are some of your experiences with the stack? I feel a little jittery, and I sweat like a pig during cardio tonight, and I sweat a little more than normal during the day of normal work. Is this normal?

Have you done an ECA stack before?? After a while, your body adjusts to the effects, and this shit will go away...

Just on a side note, and you probably already know this, but make sure you're getting at least a gallon of water a day...Two would even be better...I know it's like 130 or something over there, so the heat combined with the ECA may dehydrate or lead to cramping if you aren't getting enough water...But like I said, you probably already drink enough...
ArmyBrat, this is my first ECA stack, i have taken ephedra before mostly before workouts, but this is my first stack. I defenitly feel jittery, i'm taking in shit loads of water, up to 6 liters a day, and luckily I work midnight to noon, so the heat isn't a problem. My plan now is to take the ECA stack Mon-Fri and give the body a break on the weekends.
shaved_head_in_baghdad said:
ArmyBrat, this is my first ECA stack, i have taken ephedra before mostly before workouts, but this is my first stack. I defenitly feel jittery, i'm taking in shit loads of water, up to 6 liters a day, and luckily I work midnight to noon, so the heat isn't a problem. My plan now is to take the ECA stack Mon-Fri and give the body a break on the weekends.

How much of each?? Standard doses?? That's probably smart with taking the weekends off...thats what I do with some of my supps...
i'm taking 2x AM300s which is 24mg of ephedra, 1.5 x metabo-fx = 190mg caffeine, and 1 x 81mg aspirin. I'm taking that twice a day, once as soon as I wake up, and then 5 hours later. This is my second day.
shaved_head_in_baghdad said:
i'm taking 2x AM300s which is 24mg of ephedra, 1.5 x metabo-fx = 190mg caffeine, and 1 x 81mg aspirin. I'm taking that twice a day, once as soon as I wake up, and then 5 hours later. This is my second day.

That sounds like a normal stack...maybe cut back to once a day for a week until your body adjusts then go twice a day??

Looking to leave for Basic this fall...I go to MEPS in September, so we'll see...Looked on ATRRS and the earliest MOS school doesn't start until 20 I figured they'll want me in BCT by November-ish...
ArmyBrat97b said:
That sounds like a normal stack...maybe cut back to once a day for a week until your body adjusts then go twice a day??

Looking to leave for Basic this fall...I go to MEPS in September, so we'll see...Looked on ATRRS and the earliest MOS school doesn't start until 20 I figured they'll want me in BCT by November-ish...

Good luck with basic training and AIT, you should have no problem!!
shaved_head_in_baghdad said:
Good luck with basic training and AIT, you should have no problem!!

heh...thanks...i think my biggest problem will be that i'm a vegetarian...and i'm a smartass...gotta learn to shut up...