Dosages for Tren Ethanate?


New member
Got a bottle of tren ethanate.....was wondering how much i should take a week? 100mg/week?.......ive taken the regular tren, what would be equivilent to EOD of the regular stuff?
100mg a week a is way too low. 250mg to 500mg depending on your experience is standard. Remember the acetate dose is usually 75mg EOD.
if you are not experienced with tren 300-400mg a week should be good. if you have used it before maybe a little more.
How long should you usually run the tren. That's my next cycle test 500mg and tren 225mg weekly.
If it's tren enan up it to 300mg, run it 10 weeks and add some hcg at 300-500iu every 3-5 days. 19-nors are hard on the hpta.
