Dose of HGH for fat loss?

HGH can help you achieve your ideal body. However, keep in mind that HGH can be quite expensive. While it's no doubt true that it is very pricey, burning excess fats and maintaining your ideal size will be as easy as a piece of cake with the help of HGH. Here's a useful HGH weight loss guide to make sure that you are on the right track:
what's the point of using GH in cutting when it makes you to retain water?
been on this shit non stop for ~2 years (2-8iu pharma grade GH) and water retention never disappeared/subside .
stopped taking it for 10 days and lost around 3lbs water since then and i'm a lot leaner .
btw 2-3iu of legit GH is enough for some anti aging properties and fat loss effect .
No matter what the quality of hgh you are running, I doubt 2.5iu will do much of anything... unless you’re female or quite lean already and are using it for a lengthy period of time (6+ months)

3.3 - 5iu per day, everyday for 6 months+ would be a good protocol to follow, along with a sharp diet and disciplined training regime
Do you still need some kind of help for fat loss? There are different ways available. You can easily use them. I hope they are effective like flat belly tonic [*****NO LINKS ALLOWED******** I tried and tested this one and got the results as well. All the best!
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Do you still need some kind of help for fat loss? There are different ways available. You can easily use them. I hope they are effective like flat belly tonic [*****NO LINKS ALLOWED******** I tried and tested this one and got the results as well. All the best!

no links allowed bro.
I read about HGH is the sides are as bad as tren almost. Numbness in hand and feet, letharegy. best to just take tren and do it right.
Yeah, you're at a prime age for GH replacement. You should notice good quality of life improvements in the coming weeks. Better sleep, general sense of well being, better hair, nails, and skin.