Double Dose for half-cycle due to international plane trip?


New member
Hi everyone. So I started my second cycle of Finaflex 1-Andro by Redefine Nutrition and got the Black Revolution and a test booster also by Redefine Nutrition. I'm about 10 days into the 1-Andro. I set my cycle up so I can finish my bottle and the PCT 4 days before I go out of the country for 2 months. Now it turns out that I might have to leave a few weeks earlier. So, I was wondering if it would be OK to double the dose of my prohormone so I can finish it before I leave, then just take the PCT on the plane and finish it out of country. Or, would the TSA and other airport security out in Europe not care if I brought the 1-Andro with the PCT? If that is the case, is it fine bringing it with the carry-on, or should I leave it with my luggage? Thank you.