Dr. Phoenix, look what showed up at my door!


Juice Monkey
Took a bit to get here. But patience I have plenty of. the oil just looks unbelievable.
I'm pinning 2 cc's of this shit tonight!

It has a little bit of a bite to it. Nothing unreasonable tho. I'd like to strangle the guy who packed it tho! LOL Took a lil while to get to the product. haha
LOL.. You noticed? haha
Those abombs will be going in my cheerios
Holy crap JM, I know who's house I'm crashing at if the apocalypse ever occurs! Screw food rations, you've got enough juice to sustain a small army!
I was hoping to see a thread saying this about optimum!! Just the boxes make the shit look like some bad ass gear! Nice
Holy crap JM, I know who's house I'm crashing at if the apocalypse ever occurs! Screw food rations, you've got enough juice to sustain a small army!

LOL... I got a good supply but jones has a damn fortress full!
Talk about a nice presentation! Hope the gear is good, defiantly keep us updated I'm interested
have no experience with them ,but the sciroox was unbeliable,all muscle gains and no water gains,and very smoothe...i think they have one of the best recipes going for there gear concoction...very clean and awsome gear.just thought i would sare the results with you guys..sciroxx is some fire shit,probally the best i have ever used in my life...you will love it if you ever do it...keep me updated if you try it..
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