drying out, just a little info please

Jay C

New member
I just got home from Iraq, i trained Naturally for 11 months over there. Its been nice to keep my gains, i have only lost 5 lbs since i stopped working out before we were heading back. its been a month too.

well anyways. im staying natural, well Legal for a while. I want to see how much more i can gain. im still only 22 and i have two years of college left.

Well my question is, i am doing a Mr. Greek Contest (basically a male beauty pageant) at my college. I am a naturally lean person. 6'1" 200 around 10% give or take 1%. i plan on trying to dry out one to two times before this contest. its in late march.

I dont want to dry out to contest standards, school faculty and greek representitives are judging and basically they just want to see a washboard stomach, which i have 12 months out of the year. My goal is to just come in ripped to shit. i will also probably take some more Methyl D from gaspari Nutirition since that is what i used in Iraq and i loved it.

here is what i have found so far.
double my water comsumption the 4 days prior
double my salt intake 4 days prior
they the day of dont drink anything, and dont salt anything.
is this close enough to get my results.
please adjust to help me, i thought the salt seemed a little too much.

Thanks for everyones support, this is my first post since ive been back.
WELCOME HOME and THANK YOU for your service to our country. i dont think we say that enough. im not sure about how to get where you wanna be. i dont 'try' to do anything i just tweek my food intake and miraculously things work for me. good luck and thank you again.
hey no big deal on serving the country. I love doing my job.

seriously anybody who competes manipulates their water/sodium intake can you please help.
not sure about the salt but the water sounds accurate...

one thing i herd/tried is this... fill a bathtub (one you can fit in) with real hot water (some what painful but bareably hot, be careful you dont want to be burned up) set a timer and lay in it for 5 minutes, everything submerged except for your face (top of your head/ears are under) after 5 mins go to a cool dry place... for about 15 mins... and if you want do it again... be careful tho...

if your doing this the same day as your competition and your going to be not drinking anything anyway... maybe have someone keep an eye on you... cuz you may pass out.

for your safety id try these tricks soon to make sure they work for you, and see how your body reacts... you dont want to be preping and find out that this leaves red marks, or that the sodium intake 4 days prior leaves you bloated on the 5th...

good luck,

ps: are you in a fraternity? or is it just called mr. greek? cuz of the whole greek apreaciation for the natural body.
hey faze im in a fraternity.

i dont know about trying something like that. im going to try the sodium uptake and deplete thing in a few weeks. ill let you guys know how it works.
cool what fraternity? im a teke.

in all the little tricks to make your cuts look deeper and water depletion, etc... you want to try them before you need them... because alot of peoples bodies act differently. also you want to make sure your doing it right... and this is the time to mess it up... because when you need it, there is no margin for error.

good luck