Early Gyno on TBOL? Wtf. Guys Please help!


New member
Ok this is my situation. After not doing any steroids for over 2 years because of huge cystic acne breakout and going through a treatment of acutane I've decided to do it again. My previous cycles consisted of test, mast, tren and winny. This time around i decided to take a more simple approach and just do a 16 week cycle of test cyp with kickstart with Turinabol ( t-bol ). I choose t-bol because t-bol does not aromatize and since im prone to gyno and i already had the surgery done in the past, i wanted to take the least as minimal aromatizing steroids as possible.

So this is what my cycle currently looks like:
Week 1-6:
30mg t-bol/Ed
600mg of test cyp a week ( 2 shots monday andd friday. 300mg each)

Week 6-10
600mg of test cyp a week ( 2 shots monday and friday. 300mg each)

Week 10-16

600mg of test cyp a week ( 2 shots monday andd friday. 300mg each)

anavar: 40mg /ed

Then pct.

Now i'm in week 3 and my gyno is getting worse and worse again. It actually started on week 1 and i when i started to get the symptons i started taking .5mg of arimidex/ed and 20mg of nolva/ed. Then when i saw it wanst working on week 2 i went up to 1mg of arimidex/ed and 40mg of nolva/ed. Now i'm in week 3 and nothing... Its only getting worse.

I know tbol does not aromatize, so i most likely got underdosed DBOL or maybe i just got plain old DBOL. As i have read tbol would not be doing this to me or the test cyp either since its soo early on the cycle.

I dont know what to do, my diet is 100% on point, i have 11% bf as i am in my bulking process. They "t-bol" gave me alot of strentgh and i went up 6 pounds in just 3 weeks and i have been feeling amazing at the gym with alot of strentgh and crazy pumps but this gyno situation really has me down :(

I have arimidex, nolvadex and letro in hand all pharmaceitucal grade but i dont know what approach to take in how use them as i'm already using an Arimidex and nolva and it has done NOTHiNG for me.

Should i take all 3 together?

Should i stop the arimidex and the nolva and just start with the letro? Also should i stop the "t-bol" and continue the with the test cyp?

How much should i take ? And what should i expext?

Can i continue to use the "t-bol" and the test cyp while using the letro?

Should i bring the t-bol dose down instead?

Should i just stop all cycle and pct? I really dont wanna do this :(

How would that protocal work?

If you Guys can PLEASE help me i would truly apreciate it. thank you so much!
Welcome :) please what are your stats. All stats and some history. Did you have some puberty type Gyno.

Also why didn't you start the AI from day one. Can't change that but just wondering
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Don't blame it on the Tbol .. you do know that Testosterone armoatizes a ton, right ? You did not bother to run an AI at all during your cycle, and you were running 600mg of test with no arimidex ,, no wonder your estrogen spiked and gyno symptoms popped up . again, it wasn't the Tbol it was the test.
Surely he was taking adex from the get-go. Me thinks his tbol might be dbol, crazy pumps and all.
I would start taking the nolva and get
some raloxiphene (sp)
Surely he was taking adex from the get-go. Me thinks his tbol might be dbol, crazy pumps and all.
I would start taking the nolva and get
some raloxiphene (sp)

yeah did not realize he said "symptoms started in week one" , so thats got to be it
Hey guys thanks for replying. I truly apreciate it your opinion and feedback.

I'm 5'10
12% body fat now

I been lifting since i was in high school (10+ years) im 28 now.

I did not bother to take an AI in the beggining because i thought i was taking "t-bol" and i did not think it would aromatize and also i been doing test cyp i didn't think it would aromatize so early from it slower esther compared to prop.

Today is my 7th day on nolva 40mg/ed and arimidex and 1mg and it has not gotten better at all. The lump is getting bigger and it hurts and i get these pulses throughtout the day. I really wish i wish have started taking my AI one or two weeks before starting my cycle and maybe by the time i would have been gotten on the gear it would have inhibited the estrogen but i fucked up and its too late. The gyno is here. Tomorrow i will starting a letro.

Does anyone know a safe way to use the letro or a good protocol to use while on cycle? can i run the test cyp + "t-bol" (aka dbol in my case) while running the letro or should in just stop the "t-bol" ?

By the way guys the "t-bol" is from helix labs. It's very potent in my opinion, i was getting these pumps that would hurt just to flex. 3 sets and i felt like my skin was going to pop but it is definetely NOT "t-bol" ***128533;
I did not start it becuas i thought i was getting t-bol and not d-bol like i did and because i didnt think the test cyp would aromatize so early. Also my gyno is not from puberty. I started to get gyno when i started cycling AAS.
For gyno reversal while on cycle. Would raloxiphene be a better choice over letro? Based on sides and effectives while im still on cycle. I really dont wanna abort the cycle, i feel really good and with lots of energy, my diet is on point but this gyno is really driving me crazy.
Letro is potent shit. It will crash yur estrogen by not allowing any to convert. It's my understanding that the ralox keeps the estrogen already in your system from acting specifically on breast tissue.

I'd stop the tbol(dbol) and get ralox post haste, it'll be hard to keep cycling with crashed estrogen
Tbol DOES aromatize. It's just not nearly as bad as dianabol. Testosterone, 48 hours after that first pin can aromatize too.

I'm not going to just slam you for making a mistake, but I would imagine that ANYONE that has had gyno surgery would be EXTREMELY cautious.

I suspect your "pharmaceutical grade" AI isn't so pharmaceutical afterall. Unless you're actually picking shit up at a pharmacy with a script, you have NO idea what you're taking. It could be a fancy box with tin foil packaging, all to sell you tic tacs.

A blood test will answer everything here. I hate suggesting it so early, but that will tell you the proper direction to head. Stop the mega doses of your AI, and keep with the SERMs until you KNOW if it's estradiol or not, and just how high you are.

My .02c :)
600mg of test might be too much for you?? .5 adex should prevent any gyno by controlling your estrogen, so I think it is bunk. I'd lower my test dose to like 125mg / week until you can get a proper AI, drop everything else except the SERM's so you don't crash and be totally miserable, get the ralox to destroy that god awful lump, and get some bloodwork done so you know exactly where you stand. And you don't need 600mg of test / week to be in the anabolic state to reach your goals. Big dose for anyone and yes, your estrogen is going to shoot on up with it up there. You are gyno prone, so nothing wrong with the less is more approach, especially since you know you are prone to gyno. Play the game smart, bro. You, unfortunately, don't have the luxury to roll any other way.
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test cyp hits peek per dose in just days....
stick to AI dose (it may take a week or two to notice help), dont over do it 0.5mg eod, stay on low dose tamox ed for the next 2 weeks and then just the AI.
avoid letro for gyno, dont crash estro. if you want to use it as the main AI then 0.25-0.6mg e3d what i rec, but again it will take week or two to notice dosage changed or starting it IMO
You are right i should of been more careful and i will definetely learn from this experience.

As far as my arimidex i actually got it prescribed from my family doctor. He is a good friend of the family and he is the one that prescribed me the tamoxifen citrate by TEVA and anastrozole by ACCORD, i picked up both from the walgreens pharmacy. I started using .5mg of adex/ED and nolvadex 20mg/ED did it for a week, gyno was getting worse and i bumped it to 1mg/ED and nolva 40mg/ED did that for one week and nothing, gyno was getting worse. So today monday i started taking 2mg/ED and nolva 60mg/ED. Is this too much to take while on 600mg of test?

I wont be able to get the ralox until next monday and im scared the gyno will get worse thats why i highered the dose. At this i'm pretty scared because the has gotten the size of a pea about 1/4 of an inch , it hurts and it pounding pain throughout the day.

I usually pin on monday and thursday, i did a shot of 300mg of cyp today in the morning but thats it. I'm not doing anymore until next week.i'm going to lower the dose the 200mg starting next week. Will lowering the dose from 600mg to 200mg change my energy levels dramatically or cause any problems?
You are right i should of been more careful and i will definetely learn from this experience.

As far as my arimidex i actually got it prescribed from my family doctor. He is a good friend of the family and he is the one that prescribed me the tamoxifen citrate by TEVA and anastrozole by ACCORD, i picked up both from the walgreens pharmacy. I started using .5mg of adex/ED and nolvadex 20mg/ED did it for a week, gyno was getting worse and i bumped it to 1mg/ED and nolva 40mg/ED did that for one week and nothing, gyno was getting worse. So today monday i started taking 2mg/ED and nolva 60mg/ED. Is this too much to take while on 600mg of test?

I wont be able to get the ralox until next monday and im scared the gyno will get worse thats why i highered the dose. At this i'm pretty scared because the has gotten the size of a pea about 1/4 of an inch , it hurts and it pounding pain throughout the day.

I usually pin on monday and thursday, i did a shot of 300mg of cyp today in the morning but thats it. I'm not doing anymore until next week.i'm going to lower the dose the 200mg starting next week. Will lowering the dose from 600mg to 200mg change my energy levels dramatically or cause any problems?

No bro, lowering your test down to 300mg won't effect your energy in the least. Jesus, that's still triple a 25 year olds top range of normal. You will be flying and honestly I don't see a need to ever go higher than that unless you are a pro bodybuilder. Relax, as stress can also raise estrogen levels. Just chill, and follow the sound advice you are getting here. We are here to help, and not bash, so you now know, and have a plan. That is half the battle. Try and relax.
Today tuesday, Just took my second dose today of 2mg/ED of arimidex and im very sleeping and drowsy. I'm also stacking it with nolva 60mg/ED. Could this be the arimidex? Should i go back to 1mg/ED or continue to the 2mg/ED until the puffyness and gyno pain goes down?
Letro is a powerful AI . Ralox is a SERM. serm would be best for gyno

Can i continue to take the "t-bol" which is really DBOL, while im using ralox for gyno reversal? I really liked how i feel while on the T-bol. Im now on week 3 of my test cyp cycle. I stopped the "t-bol" last week when i started getting really bad gyno symptons and pain.