Ectomorph Osta/GW log


New member
Just started my Osta/Gw combo last Friday (1/13). Thanks to Osta Gain for hooking me up. This is my second run with Osta, first with Osta/GW stack. Never been on anything else. Last time I got some really good definition minimal weight gain. I got lazy at the end was out of the gym about a month got a cold for about a week, then Christmas got real busy, etc. I'm 38, 6'-0", 16%bf and as of the 13th 160lbs, yeah I know, eat more. Easier said than done, I could miss one meal and be 5lbs down the next day. I made it to 168 from 160 when I started the first run of Osta (6wks) before my lazy break. Anyway, I ran Osta at 12.5mg last time, had a bit of an issue with aggression but no other sides. This time I'm going 25mg Osta, 5mg GW for eight weeks. I don't expect anything much right now, it seems to kick in around day 10-12. With my body type and being new to Sarms I feel I will respond very well and get some good gains as long as I can keep the calories in and hit it hard at the gym. To be continued...
Day 9, not much change. Weight is up to 164, this was expected after taking 5 weeks off. Sleep is definitely better, which makes getting up at 4:30 to go to the gym tough. Should start seeing significant changes in another week.

no news ? no side effects ?
are you still going on 25mg/osta and 5mg/GW

what do you expect ? cut or gain mass ?
I'd like to use osta to cut and keep mass in the same time. do you think this is possible ?

Day 12 still at 25mg/5mg still no major changes, sleep is very good though. I noticed that within the first few days. Gym sessions are good, nothing out of the ordinary. Aggression does appear to be on the way up, I look for that to peak around Sat. or Sun. days 15/16 based on my last last Osta run. Vascularity seems to be increased, my veins were bulging most of the day yesterday. Hoping to get some good lean gains from this, we'll see.
Id like to decrease my bf% a few points 12-13% I'm also interested in the endurance side of the GW.
Day 14- Ok, now we're getting somewhere. Weight this morning 167. Libido is up, sleep is great, aggression is continuing to increase. I don't care for this to much, it's great in the gym, except when I walk in to do legs, and "that guy" is doing curls in the squat rack, but not so great through out the day. Very noticeable at the end of the day. Appetite is also up, not sure if this has anything to do with the Osta or GW, I doubt it. Muscles appear to stay "pumped" all day. No noticeable gains in strength, but after taking 5 weeks off, I started right back where I left off. Here's how my schedule goes-
5:00 a.m. 25mg Osta/5mg GW, 1MR preworkout
5:30 gym
6:30 Whey protein with juice
9:00 6 eggs 1 cup oatmeal
11:00 Peanut butter and honey on wheat 1/2 container cottage cheese
1:00 various -chicken,ww pasta, veg
3:00 Peanut butter and honey on wheat 1/2 container cottage cheese
5:00 various -chicken,ww pasta, veg
7:00 various dinner chicken or beef, pasta, veg
9:00 p.m. glass of whole milk
The aggression side is a new one, I've never had that across 6 cycles of S4/osta in various load outs. Did you have any nagging connective tissue or strain injuries ? if so how are they healing up with the this cycle? I'm interested in how well these two work to repair non leukocyte bearing tissues.
I believe in "If it hurts stop doing it". About the only pain I can think of would be in the collar bone area during weighted dips. I stopped doing them.
Day 17-
Feeling great, noticeable increase in strength and endurance this morning. Sleep has not been good the past two nights.
IF that was the case then I'd have stopped moving and rolled into a ball in the middle of Croatia in the mid 90's. At some point your adage with turn into , " if it hurts.. deal".
I found S4 to be the best at accelerated healing over Osta and that GW is even better then S4?

I believe in "If it hurts stop doing it". About the only pain I can think of would be in the collar bone area during weighted dips. I stopped doing them.
I don't mind muscle pain, lets me know I did something, but I'd rather stay away from joint pain.
Day 19-
Wow! Did arms this morning, various curls, low reps heavy weight. Towards the end I did some drop sets to the point of barely lifting my arms. After about 5 min. I felt I could do more, so I went to straight bar cable curls. Usually when I do these I use 120lbs. (I'm not a big guy keep in mind) First two sets were not bad so I went up to 130 for set three, then 140 set four, then 150 for set five and six. Not only was I able to increase the weight but I was also able to increase the speed. I still had enough left left to do hammer curls afterward for 6 sets of 4. I have never felt anything like that during a workout. The endurance and strength gains were VERY noticeable today. I may not be able to move my arms tomorrow, but so far this Osta/GW combo is working out great.