Ed help


New member
I'm 21 and did a cycle of sustaplex 325 for a month. Didn't use anything for a post cycle. It was my first time using and I obviously didn't do enough research. I know stupid. Iv been off it now for about 8 months and have been having difficulty maintaining an erection or even obtaining one. Also have noticed testi shrinkage. Anything I can do to fix it. Or am I screwed. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
It might be propblem of impotence

Yes friends as par information you have given you are suffering from impotence which is also called erectile dysfunction. Which is observe in men as well as womens. but don't worry there is treatment for this problem men and women can use ED pills...

Smith Alan :yumyum:
I'm 21 and did a cycle of sustaplex 325 for a month. Didn't use anything for a post cycle. It was my first time using and I obviously didn't do enough research. I know stupid. Iv been off it now for about 8 months and have been having difficulty maintaining an erection or even obtaining one. Also have noticed testi shrinkage. Anything I can do to fix it. Or am I screwed. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

I may try a natural test booster before going to the Dr. Also, how much protein are you eating?
Have you been suffering with this since you stopped the sust? Eight months is a long time to go with obtaining any advice. I did the same thing when i first cycled, i ran a late course of post cycle therapy (pct) and worked for me, now i dont even start unless i got everything to hand. Try running some nolva and clomid.
You're in extended shutdown. As you now know, going on cycle without having a good PCT was a bad, bad, bad idea. You're too young to be screwing up your body that way. Have you had blood work done recently? If not you should get it done to find out where your nat test/estrogen etc levels are. I agree with Welshman's suggestion to run a late post cycle therapy (pct), and you'll definitely need to add some Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) to the nolva and clomid. If you don't know how to run the PCT don't guess the doses. Go to the boards where this information is posted and read up on exactly how to use the stuff. Also, make sure you get everything that you need at the same time so you'll have it all in hand and ready to use at exactly the times when you need it. In the mean time, get some liquid cia from RUI for the ED.
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Yes it's been going on since I finished the sustiplex. No blood work recently. So I should still try a post cycle therapy (pct). And thank you guys for the help. Really appreciated.
Yes friends as par information you have given you are suffering from impotence which is also called erectile dysfunction. Which is observe in men as well as womens. but don't worry there is treatment for this problem men and women can use ED pills...

Smith Alan :yumyum:

No shit... but this isn't getting to the root of the problem.

OP - what you need to do is have blood work done. You could have low T levels and high E2, prolactin, or worse, all of the above. I agree with the boys about a possible post cycle therapy (pct), but it may not solve all your issues. You may need alternate ancillaries as well.

You're young but you can check with Chip to tell you exactly what you need, or go see your doc immediately.
and you'll definitely need to add some Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) to the nolva and clomid.

Actually Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is suppressive to the HPTA, so any Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) therapy should be done PRIOR to any SERM therapy.
So I should still try a post cycle therapy (pct).

Yes. And you may have to do it a second time if the balls don't come back, but I think the following will work.

Try this:

Bloodwork now.

Then Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) @ 2500iu every other day x 8 doses.

May repeat blood work at the end of the second week while on the HCG.

Then for post cycle therapy (pct) (2 days after the last Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) dose):

20mg Nolvadex every day together with 50mg Clomid two times a day x 7 weeks.

Repeat blood work. Hopefully, it will take and the balls will make a full comeback.

Some people may criticize this protocol, but I've seen it work just fine for guys who were in your situation.
Yes. And you may have to do it a second time if the balls don't come back, but I think the following will work.

Try this:

Bloodwork now.

Then Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) @ 2500iu every other day x 8 doses.

May repeat blood work at the end of the second week while on the HCG.

Then for post cycle therapy (pct) (2 days after the last Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) dose):

20mg Nolvadex every day together with 50mg Clomid two times a day x 7 weeks.

Repeat blood work. Hopefully, it will take and the balls will make a full comeback.

Some people may criticize this protocol, but I've seen it work just fine for guys who were in your situation.

haha. no shit. But hey, if you can't recover with that much ancillary medicinie... you ain't never gonna. lol

and I retract my previous post... I misunderstood your post. it appears you meant Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) before the SERMs... which is correct. Sorry man.