I agree with some and disagree with others...some enlightened cultures recognize finite resources and either like China make you pay to have more than 1 kid or some parts of Europe ( the only other placed I have LIVED THOUGHI have travelled most of the planet) practice sensible pro creation.
In America if your poor and do not mind living like animal s you have 4,5,6,7 kids and get paid more. Then have them diagnosed with anything and get another check. Religion and some lack of self control on the part of the MAJORITY of cerain demograph s, they breed way beyond they're ability to feed. The Viking s lived in such a harsh climate where the growing season was short and they fanned out...ALL OVER. Russia is named after...as ..to russ..means "to row". Not drought, or famine or anything stopped them from exploring new lands. European s too...
Sure soap modern medicine etc has swollen the pop to 7 billion. You could lose 6 billion and it would not effect me in any way. Look at some ex colonies, which ones flourished when let go of their European Master s? And which continue to spiral down hill. Look at Rhodesia..the bread basket of Africa is a fkn pit now. Some type s need a dictator, chief or king.....it s a historical, statistical empirically proven irrebutable fact.
Look at our prisons. Nature has a hierarchy and a developmental evolutionary way of placing top species or sub species in order..left to write. top to bottom.
Education is key. But even free for some and they choose not to take it as it is work. Some work harder. Some have less control.