End Of Cycle Pics !!!!!!

wow, looking great man.....How long have you been hitting the weights/using AAS?
and just out of curiousity, what do you do for ab movements?
hmlacrosse said:
wow, looking great man.....How long have you been hitting the weights/using AAS?
and just out of curiousity, what do you do for ab movements?

thanks..been lifting since 18/19 yrs old..used Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) on and off since then...
for abs i do 3 movements...basic crunches...decline sit ups on a flat board...knee raises hanging from a chin bar..
dude, lean and great definition. I dig seeing "older" guy on here with results, it gives me motivation. Great job.
Old Balls said:
dude, lean and great definition. I dig seeing "older" guy on here with results, it gives me motivation. Great job.

Thanks ..i try to keep my diet consistent throughout the year..it helps me when i dont have to diet down when i go "on".
LiftTillIDie said:
If only vets like Jmeals would post something besides their pictures...

I hear you my friend..I try to contribute when i can...Honestly ,you guys with thousands of posts, impresses the hell out of me..Dont know how you do it...
JMEALS said:
I hear you my friend..I try to contribute when i can...Honestly ,you guys with thousands of posts, impresses the hell out of me..Dont know how you do it...

Well those of us with outrageous post counts spend a lot of time dicking around in the convo lounge. I do try and contribute to almost all of the forums.
lol and call people rediculous names....

but jmeals, everyone seems to be doing hanging leg raises, i do the ones on the dip bar, and sit ups, but i can't really control my balance very well, and i don't get the contraction on the hanging ones, i guess it just takes time, any advice?
hmlacrosse said:
lol and call people rediculous names....

but jmeals, everyone seems to be doing hanging leg raises, i do the ones on the dip bar, and sit ups, but i can't really control my balance very well, and i don't get the contraction on the hanging ones, i guess it just takes time, any advice?

I try not to get to hung up on #,s and reps...i try to make each rep as hard as possible,and squeeze hard after each movement...the more you do them ,the more comfortable youll get with the movement....youll know when..theres no mistaken the burn and tightness youll feel after you get it down..
thanks bro....i feel ya, i just gotta start doing them more often. lookin great keep us posted on training and diet
Looks great Dude! I am 41, 5'8" about 200ish. good to see you doin so great.

Whatcha got planned post cycle therapy (pct) wise? for how long.?
LiftTillIDie said:
At this age why come off at all?

In reality i dont..Doc has me on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) ..I get a 300mg (1 1/2cc)shot of test cyp every other week..For as long as i want it..Sweet deal,cost me $8 for a 10ml bottle of pharmacuetical(Watson) cyp every 6 wks through ins..
Fingers66 said:
Looks great Dude! I am 41, 5'8" about 200ish. good to see you doin so great.

Whatcha got planned post cycle therapy (pct) wise? for how long.?

Thanks ..Started my hcg wk 7 till 1 wk after cycle was complete..Then 50mg of clomid 12 hrs apart for 21 days..I like to start my hcg during cycle to kick start the nuts before cyle ends ...