ending the cycle,need Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) advice thanks


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ending the cycle,need HCG advice thanks

hi i am ending a big cycle started with dbol and testo add DK and Winstrol (winny) on the end test was always on the run.

had great gains. need advice on how to use Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) , ii have three solutions of 5000 u i each.

i have no more testo, i was wondering if maybe i can stay on Winstrol (winny) or Anavar (var) just for spped before to end , what do u think ?
You can stay on the orals for 2-3 weeks after the test. What dose was your test. You may not need it and it's best used during the cycle.

There is no reason at all to wait, start running it right now 500iu ED if you need that much, or 500iu EOD.

If your balls haven't been very much affected then make a decision to burn through one or two amps and save the other one for your next cycle, and pickup some more.
I understand that, I have the same stuff. I would use one or two amps unless you really need all 3, you dont have to wait before you run it, 500iu ED or EOD. If your balls are very small then I personally run 1000iu EOD if I'm really bad, ideally though you should be using less more often.
Re: ending the cycle,need HCG advice thanks

lebanner92 said:
hi i am ending a big cycle started with dbol and testo add DK and Winstrol (winny) on the end test was always on the run.

had great gains. need advice on how to use Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) , ii have three solutions of 5000 u i each.

i have no more testo, i was wondering if maybe i can stay on Winstrol (winny) or Anavar (var) just for spped before to end , what do u think ?
Your stats please?!
ive done the half solution(right butt), i keep the siringue in the fridge, what do I do next, when i inject the rest (i still have two testo and some Winstrol (winny) injection)
ok so i have like 5-10 Winstrol (winny) amps then how do i exactly make my post cycle therapy (pct) please ?
Need to know how you're going to finish your cycle.
What test ester (cyp-enanth)???
Are you going to run Winstrol (winny) two weeks beyond your last test injection??
it was cyp, i am now under Winstrol (winny) since about three weeks,i have done 2500 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) yesterday, i bought a testabol big 10ml amp, i think i am gonna use it and finish the cycle like in three weeks
lebanner92 said:
ok so i have like 5-10 Winstrol (winny) amps then how do i exactly make my post cycle therapy (pct) please ?

That would be called a bridge not a post cycle therapy (pct) phase, what you want is nolvadex or clomid NOT winstrol.