Endurance/Speed/Strength/Cardio Cycle for MMA


New member
I've recently returned to training MMA after a year away due to personal medical reasons, I have 6 cycles under my belt from when I was focused on body building but I am for the first time concentrating on a cycle purely for MMA.

The goal of this cycle is too get back too and past my genetic potential for Endurance/Speed/Strength/Cardio, I will not be competing while on this cycle as I don't believe that is the right thing to do despite 80-90% of fighters doing it anyway, I am aware that after PCT I will only maintain my natural/genetic potential in these areas without being ON.

in other words its a boost to get back into top fighting shape in a few months rather then a couple years, I'm getting old for MMA and time is not on my side.
This cycle is a work in progress and I plan to be patient before beginning to ensure everything is sound.

I have what I consider decent experience with multi compound bulking/cutting cycles, but no experience with a cycle specifically designed for MMA so i appreciate any input from those that do.

The cycle:
Testosterone Enanthate - weeks 1-12 @ 500mg per week
Equipoise (Boldenone Undecylenate) - weeks 1-12 @ 500mg per week
Masteron Enanthate - weeks 1-12 @ 500mg per week
Primobolan (Methenolone Enanthate) - weeks 1-12 @ 500mg per week
Halotestin weeks 1-4 @ 30-40mg per day

HCG weeks 2-8 500IU 2x per week (slight break between to avoid desensitization)
HCG weeks 10-13 (stopping 3 days before the end of week 14)

AI: Arimidex .5 eod weeks 1-14

Liver protection: N2guard

Weeks 13-14: 2 Week Pre-PCT Kickstart

HCGenerate ES (5 caps/day) - 2 caps AM/1 post workout/1 PM
Cardarine (GW-501516) – 20mgs/day (10mgs AM/10mgs PM)

Weeks 15-18: 5 - PCT
Clomid - 50/50/25/25/12.5
Nolvadex - 40/20/20/20/10
Aromasin - week 15-16: 12.5mgs EOD, week 17-18: 7.5mgs EOD
Cardarine (GW-501516) – 20mgs/day (10mgs AM/10mgs PM)
Ostarine (MK-2866) – 25/25/25/12.5
N2Guard - 2 caps AM/2 post workout/3 PM
Vitamin E 400mg per day for 4 weeks
running 2 grams of injectables and a couple hundred mg of orals per week is not going to get you in great shape.. its going to tax your system. which is fine for a body builder who doesn't do shit but eat, train , sleep and stand on stage once. but for an athlete that wants top notch performance , you don't need to be taxed, thats not how you get in shape.

you've got 6 cycles under your belt . how have you felt a month after those cycles? is that the same feeling you want when you compete? your better off competing while on cycle , imo. or at least doing some sort of cycle and training block that has a peak week leading into your competition.
i think winstrol will help with endurance with that stack, id save halo for 2 or 3 weeks before a fight
Bro.. this stuff will eventually slow you down and cause you to get winded much easier.

I don't recommend you messing with PEDs
Bro.. this stuff will eventually slow you down and cause you to get winded much easier.

I don't recommend you messing with PEDs

You do realize just about every top level fighter and every athlete in the world are in PED's?
running 2 grams of injectables and a couple hundred mg of orals per week is not going to get you in great shape.. its going to tax your system. which is fine for a body builder who doesn't do shit but eat, train , sleep and stand on stage once. but for an athlete that wants top notch performance , you don't need to be taxed, thats not how you get in shape.

you've got 6 cycles under your belt . how have you felt a month after those cycles? is that the same feeling you want when you compete? your better off competing while on cycle , imo. or at least doing some sort of cycle and training block that has a peak week leading into your competition.

Defnitly fight on cycle not on pct unless he's in the ufc he's not going to get tested
Thanks for the responses guys I appreciate it, I remember a long time member with a good rep on here called Swellin that competed a lot posting about his ideal cycle for MMA, is he still around on the forums?
The cycle was: eq/primo/mast/var originally he ran test with it also but he said he dropped the test? and it increased his cardio, I just figured id run the same and keep the test to avoid libido issues.

Thanks Roush I hear you on that bro, i will drop the orals and a few compounds that's the last thing I want however I wont be competing in mma that soon it will atleast be a few months after PCT, however I will be competing in grappling competitions, during cycle and toward the end of PCT.

but after some feedback on ****** I'm thinking maybe this cycle would be best?

Test E 300mg pw
EQ 600mg pw
and maybe run some cardarine for endurance benefits also?

Thanks 49ER I appreciate the advice have you got experience with winny for combat sports? I keep hearing about it but i thought it would be too much on the joints?

If I could add another compound/oral what would be the best choice or would I be best leaving it with the Test/EQ?

thanks guys i appreciate the assistance!
Ill be doing the cycle back in my home country and then will be moving to brazil for a year or two so as of yet i don't have sources here hence why i want to get one in before i go to give myself a shortcut to being back in fighting shape so that i can be sharp and ready to fight earlier.
being in mixed martial arts myself.. i would say the test/mast/eq/primo is actually a good choice

all you need in pct is clomid and nolva.. run the clomid 50mg throughout..

run the hcg throughout cycle.. dont stop it half way through
also your nutrition will play a major factor in all this..

these drugs you have chosen are great because they will raise your red blood cell count, increasing the availability of oxygen in your blood.. at the same time if it becomes too high it will hinder you.. so make sure to do mid cycle labs and get a full cbc/metabolic panel
Thanks for the responses guys I appreciate it, I remember a long time member with a good rep on here called Swellin that competed a lot posting about his ideal cycle for MMA, is he still around on the forums?
The cycle was: eq/primo/mast/var originally he ran test with it also but he said he dropped the test? and it increased his cardio, I just figured id run the same and keep the test to avoid libido issues.

Thanks Roush I hear you on that bro, i will drop the orals and a few compounds that's the last thing I want however I wont be competing in mma that soon it will atleast be a few months after PCT, however I will be competing in grappling competitions, during cycle and toward the end of PCT.

but after some feedback on ****** I'm thinking maybe this cycle would be best?

Test E 300mg pw
EQ 600mg pw
and maybe run some cardarine for endurance benefits also?

Thanks 49ER I appreciate the advice have you got experience with winny for combat sports? I keep hearing about it but i thought it would be too much on the joints?

If I could add another compound/oral what would be the best choice or would I be best leaving it with the Test/EQ?

thanks guys i appreciate the assistance!

Well mma fighters get busted for winstrol often for a reason. It has benefits bit can also pit you at risk for injury but you are fighting not lifting very heavy weight so you will be fine imo. Bit for combat no i habe used it and it makes you very strong..... I believe they give it too horses thst race if im not mistaken
being in mixed martial arts myself.. i would say the test/mast/eq/primo is actually a good choice

all you need in pct is clomid and nolva.. run the clomid 50mg throughout..

run the hcg throughout cycle.. dont stop it half way through

Thanks 3J, should I adjust the doses or would 500mg per week of each compound: test/mast/eq/primo be a good cycle and not hinder my performance?

done! no break with HCG and clomid and nolva for pct, ill drop the orals and run this if you have experience with this cycle/mma, much appreciated bro it's good to find someone that has first hand experience!
Well mma fighters get busted for winstrol often for a reason. It has benefits bit can also pit you at risk for injury but you are fighting not lifting very heavy weight so you will be fine imo. Bit for combat no i habe used it and it makes you very strong..... I believe they give it too horses thst race if im not mistaken

They give winstrol to race horses during the race season to muscle them up, and they give them Ed to up their appetite and to make them more aggressive. My buddy was putting shoes on a race horse on those two drugs and it bit his ear almost completely off.lol
also your nutrition will play a major factor in all this..

these drugs you have chosen are great because they will raise your red blood cell count, increasing the availability of oxygen in your blood.. at the same time if it becomes too high it will hinder you.. so make sure to do mid cycle labs and get a full cbc/metabolic panel

Interesting 3J-
A quick hijack that may be of interest to OP. How high do you think Hct can get before truly worrisome? My cardio is amazing in the low 50s but it scares me to walk around at level. What do u think? I am a TRT guy so I know age does play a role in this as well.
Well mma fighters get busted for winstrol often for a reason. It has benefits bit can also pit you at risk for injury but you are fighting not lifting very heavy weight so you will be fine imo. Bit for combat no i habe used it and it makes you very strong..... I believe they give it too horses thst race if im not mistaken

Absolutely they do 49er, I agree 100%, and I would never question some of the effects of winstrol. When I tore both sides under my arms doing heavy pull downs, my strength was through the roof, and there's no doubt for quick bursts of speed, strength, and allowing the addition of a couple of reps to a set. No question. My dislike stems from the fast strength gains and overall dryness of the joints and tendons that come along at the same time. Those two effects are a bad combination. Just my 2cnts :). Before I forget, yes they do give it to race horses for the last few weeks before they race. My buddy who works at the track says they use it to muscle up the horses, and they use equipoise to make them aggressive and increase their appetite somewhat. I've mentioned that before, but he was shoeing a race horse and it was on eq and it bit my buddy's ear almost off. I was there to see that, and I've never seen a half million dollar horse punched in the face. Lol...true story.
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