EP expired NPP and Masteron


Hi guys,

I've been out of anything seriously anabolic for 2 years now. I've been diagnosed with a DVT on my left leg and hence the pause.

A year ago I bought the Shredder from EP. Vets know what I'm talking about. I stayed away though, as my DVT has not resolved as expected. Now I'm considering jumping in it but to my shock I saw that both the Masteron and the NPP had an expiration date 12/2016. I checked the gear and I saw some faint black/brown swirls in the gear, that upon slow and gentle rubbing between hands subsided.

Having said that: Would it be rather safe to still do it? I'm leaning to try it and if I see swelling, redness or big pain from the site, stop it and let only the Test Propionate (which looks and is still G2G).

Any input from more experienced users is highly appreciated.

I've used gear with an expired exp date. Depends how it was stored. Best if it was stored at room temp preferably in a dark area such as a dresser drawer.
I've used gear with an expired exp date. Depends how it was stored. Best if it was stored at room temp preferably in a dark area such as a dresser drawer.

Exactly so. Dark area, desk drawer. Temp never exceded 24 degrees Celsius.

I wonder what makes the swirl. I remember reading something here about the hormone braking up or the oily solution. Can't remeber exactly!