Epistane and Gyno Reversal


New member
Has anyone tried Epistane?

I've read in other forums that some people who have had gyno from increased estrogen for a while have almost had their lump subside entirely. I was under the impression that once you have gyno, it's time to cut that little bastard marble out from behind your tit.

I made a rook' mistake and left my post cycle therapy (pct) at home while vacationing in Hawaii for the new year. My nipples were tender as all hell and by the time I got back they were hard as rocks. Now I'm pissed at myself and was hoping someone knew of anything that would separate me from my fatty tumors rather than me and my wallet.
The only two things that I have heard that can actually reverse the effects of gyno are Prami and Letro. I am trying both as we speak to rid some gyno that I have recently gotten. So far I have not seen any results, but they have not gotten any worse either. I have only been on the prami for about 4 days though, so that's not long enough to notice anything anyhow. I have been on the Letro for a few weeks though. I will keep everyone posted as to whether or not I get cured or not. Good luck with your crap bro as I know it sucks.
Epistane is great.
Legal, acceptable but very maintainable gains, no water retention....