EQ 750mg / TEST E 250mg


New member
Have been on this cycle for 6 weeks. Was after a low side cycle, hence the relatively low dose of TEST E. TEST e I am using is bayer TESTAVIRON. EQ is UGL. Half way point of a 12 week cycle. Body fat stable around 13%.

BODY WEIGHT - TOTAL GAIN 8.4kg (18.5lbs)
84.4kg - PIN
86.5kg-PIN WEEK 1 +2.3kg
87.2kg -
85.9kg -PIN
86.9kg -PIN WEEK 2 + 0.4kg
89.3kg -PIN
89.4kg -PIN WEEK 3 +3.5kg
90.5kg - PIN
89.9kg -PIN WEEK 4 +0.5kg
91.5kg -PIN
91.7kg - PIN WEEK 5 +1.8kg
93.9kg - PIN
92.8kg - PIN WEEK 6 +1.1kg

DIET - 4 x EGGs BREAKFAST. 1 litre - HOMEBREW PROTEIN SHAKE sipped on till lunch and through afternoon till dinner. yoghurt or snack before bed.

TRAINING 3 TIMES A WEEK. MONDAY LEGS. WEDNESDAY CHEST. FRIDAY BACK. Noticeable pumps particularly on leg days, where I can train to a state of complete muscular exhaustion.(struggling an hour later to climb steps)

INJECTIONS TWICE A WEEK FIRST EQ 250x2 SECOND EQ 250x1TESTE250x1. ROTATING BETWEEN LEFT GLUTE, RIGHT GLUTE, SHOULDERS. Glutes get 1 2ml injection. Shoulders 1ml in each mid deltoid. The injection sites stay tender for 3-5 days.

STRENGTH - Haven't been all out training for strength, but the gains are obvious. Will document them with numbers in the second half of the cycle.

SIDE EFFECTS - Pretty much none. No real increase in appetite, libido, acne, bloatedness, gyno, nut shrinkage. Nothing yet.

Around the third week I tried injecting to the thigh. I aspirated but am pretty sure that the needle, which was not fully in, then pressed into a vein and I injected into it. Felt nausea, with a racing heart, that lasted maybe 30 minutes. Can definitely imagine people dieing this way, particularly if they had put in more than 1cc.

TARGET - Hoping to gain a further 6 kilos in the second part of the cycle to take me to 217lbs.
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Yes. Actually only started the test e at the end of the second week. This is an equipoise cycle with the test e added to compensate for any shut down of natural production. Having said that 250mg of TEST a week is still x4 natural levels so should be enough to illicit gains on it's own.

This is also my first cycle.
I understand, but you should ATLEAST be running 400 man, and id run this cycle for 16weeks with that bold... that is a very low dose if your not prone to sides. bump that eq down to 600 since its your first cycle,and bump that test up.
250 just seems low dude, a maintainence dose is fine, but not for his TARGET, he wants 12 more pounds with this cycle he can achieve this better with a better dose, hes not doing testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) he's self dosing he can run atleast 400 there are no sides as stated above. My point....its a cycle not testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), up to him i suppose.
I understand, but you should ATLEAST be running 400 man, and id run this cycle for 16weeks with that bold... that is a very low dose if your not prone to sides. bump that eq down to 600 since its your first cycle,and bump that test up.

I have gained 18lbs in 6 weeks and had no sides, so am not about to experiment with altering the doses mid cycle. This being my first cycle I can't say that I am not prone to sides even though so far so good. I can say that I am very concerned about sides, which is why I opted for this stack in the first place. I have read several times that equipoise needs to be run for 16 weeks and there may be some truth in that (although I haven't seen any scientific evidence to support that). I guess the obvious argument is that it stays in the system for 3 weeks so will be building up for the first period (but that would only add a week or so in respect to TEST E) or perhaps it is due to a later build up of dihydroboldenone. Unfortunately I have a business trip at the 12 week mark and do not intend to smuggle and pin steroids abroad, so 12 weeks will do me fine for my first cycle.

The +6kg target is neither here nor there. It a figure i think I can achieve given results to date, although I am entering unknown territory now, as I was my current weight natural some time ago. So it would make sense to gain well up to this point initially.
91.7kg WEEK 5 +1.8kg
92.8kg WEEK 6 +1.1kg
94.4kg WEEK 7 +1.6kg
95.0kg WEEK 8 +0.6kg

Last 2 weeks have gained a further 2.2kg (4.8lbs). During this period I started creatine, so a large proportion of the gains maybe water.

Can give the first indication of strength gains. For the first 3 weeks was working on higher reps, then eased into heavier lifts.

My bench press final set is a strict 5 reps or failure. After hitting 5 reps I move up the weight for the next week by 5kg.

Converting to pounds my benching has gone from week 4 to week 8 from 198lbs x5 to 245lbs x5. I am aware that these are not impressive numbers, but the progress is encouraging for me.

Since starting with the creatine I no longer have the painful pump after leg training.

Will post some photos when I have the chance. Bodyfat seems to have gone up a couple of %.

Again no real side effects again to report. A bit of bloat which maybe creatine related.
I continued the course for a further month.

In the last month their were no gains, with my bodyweight holding around 95kg. Initially I would have been compensating for the loss of gains from the creatine which I stopped during the 2nd month.

There were no further strength gains either.

After that I went one week with only the test e injection and then 2 weeks clean. (so 3 weeks without equipoise)

I had to travel at the time and didn't want to move around with HCG and syringes so had only nolvadex for post cycle therapy (pct). Had clomid as well, but after research decided to only use nolvadex. I think this part of my experience will probably be the most interesting.

Within hrs of taking nolvadex my libido seemed to shoot up, as did hardness and ejaculation volume.

I have the impression that I am not prone to gyno, but obviously the increased estrogen was having an effect elsewhere.

Because of my traveling I went 3 weeks without training. When I got back into the gym after one week, my strength gains seemed to all be there although my weight had dropped to around 92kg.

Nolvadex did seem to cause small acne on the front of my shoulders and chest.

I have now finished my nolvadex pct and am one week now clean.

I aim to maintain this weight and strength for next 2 months before my next cycle which will be 500mg test e and 500mg equipoise.
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Seriuos gains dude congrats...
I'm running Eq & test now with hgh my gains don't seem to be going like that, do u have any before & after pics yet.
That's some serious gains I'm kind of jellous !!

The main thing I would really like to know how much was yr bodyfat% before and after please?
I was thinking about running test e 250 eq 250 and tren ace 100 all together and i was thinking about doin 500 mg of test and 500 of eq and 200 of tren what do you all think ?
I was thinking about running test e 250 eq 250 and tren ace 100 all together and i was thinking about doin 500 mg of test and 500 of eq and 200 of tren what do you all think ?

Bro, dont hijack the thread of another person, open a new one if you want to ask something.

By the way Deadin, great gains, congrats and thanks for sharing.