eq and your liver

EQ is not hard on the liver! I may be mistaken, but I don't think it affects the liver at all. Any experts on this, buffdoc or DRVJ?
This is my first cycle and that is what Im running is QV Bold 200 at 400mg per week...Im going to try to get some Test, which one though prop or cyp...and what mg do you think per week 200mg?
Tampa Tony said:
This is my first cycle and that is what Im running is QV Bold 200 at 400mg per week...Im going to try to get some Test, which one though prop or cyp...and what mg do you think per week 200mg?

I'd go with Cyp or Enan @ 300-400 mg/week.
what anti E would you take after for post therapy. Ive read around the bords and with Eq there is little if not any gyno symptoms I know when you add test that is a different story but with that low of a Test dosage per week do you think you should still take a post therapy treatment?
Tampa Tony said:
what anti E would you take after for post therapy. Ive read around the bords and with Eq there is little if not any gyno symptoms I know when you add test that is a different story but with that low of a Test dosage per week do you think you should still take a post therapy treatment?
Everytime you cycle you always need clomid and ana postcyle bro. Its like jelly and peanutbutter. They both go together
There is a mod at elitefitness that swears up and down EQ is bad for your liver. I dont believe this b/c along towards the end of my 14 cycle I got my liver values checked. Everything was fine.

I dont think you will have to worry about gyno with that low of a dose of test. That is, unless you are predisposed to it. Keep some Nolva on hand just in case.
Never seen or heard that boldenone is liver toxic.
300-400 of test is plenty to shut down endogenous production. Do post-cycle therapy.
Another possibility I've heard ppl mention when doing EQ alone is to add some proviron: androgenic, boosts libido, adds hardness (wink, wink), anti-estrogenic effect. I know, I know, it's old school, but sometimes an agent that's become passe has merit and deserves a second look.
EQ generally needs to be run at least 8-10 weeks, at 400mg/week minimum. There is no major liver toxicity problems with EQ. EQ has almost the same effect as Deca, but it doesn't work the same way.EQ increases appetite a great deal and it also stimulates the release of erythropoeitin in the kidneys so red blood cells concentration is increased. This means a greater oxygen carrying capacity, and better recuperation.

The thing with EQ is that it takes a long time to kick in, like 5-6 weeks so you are better off adding some Test or any other fast acting compound (Anadrol, dbol). If that's size you're looking for of course. :)

Some experienced users suggest a frontloading method for EQ. 800 mg/week for two weeks then resume the normal 400mg/week dosage for the rest of the cycle. I don't know about this. It seems unnecessary to me.

But remember that even if the researchers indicate no liver toxicity problems for a compound, the liver is the main blood purificator and regulator so when you're messing with your hormones and blood composition, the liver will have to do some overtime work anyway.

Stay safe and protect your liver at all times, even if the risks are not that great.

Just my 2 cents.

Doctor Sinister
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