Eq base in PEG400


New member
Anyone made a solution on Eq base before? Think it would hold up in Solution? If so whats the higest mg I can expect...

I know I can do a suspension, but I rather have a oil base/peg to inj and sterilize with....

I have seen some gel patch kits too for bases...anyone have luck with them?

We could send some homebrew 'creams' to MLB players...lol
track stars and baseball players are fucking dumbasses. "uh.....i didnt know it was steroids, i thought the testosterone cypioante was just a cover up on the bottles".

now you went and upset our president. "if you do steroids you have no charcater, just like me".

I will give it a legit shot and see what happens...I will also try the cream version and see about it...

if it works do I get to be chemical specialist jr?

Ill have to talk to my manager. As for the cream ive heard great things. Even esters as long as acetate work well, but bases are where its at.
and btw i have a friend who made bold base with 2/20 ba/bb and oil. it was a nice suspension. flowed nicely thru a 25g pin after shaking. 100mg/ml
pullinbig said:
and btw i have a friend who made bold base with 2/20 ba/bb and oil. it was a nice suspension. flowed nicely thru a 25g pin after shaking. 100mg/ml
was it painful at all ??
he said it wasnt. i didnt do any so cant say for sure. but you always run the chance of pain with base and short ester gear at low to medium concentrations.