EQ causing Anxiety?


New member
Anyone hear of EQ causing anxiety? Came across this on another forum. Haven't heard this anywhere else. I'm getting ready to start a cycle that includes 400mg/wk of EQ. I have problems with anxiety sometimes and this concerns me some. Any thoughts?
Well, higher estrogen apparently causes greater anxiety in at least some men, and EQ does aromatize into estrogen...
So what if an anti estrogen was used? Say Arimidex @ .25mgs EOD throughout. That would keep it down, right? Also I would get ahold of some benzo's to combat the anxiety when it comes on strong.... Just my opinion of course, I'm not a doctor.
Had a friend say that it caused him some anxiety, but I don't know how he can blame it on that when he is taking all kinds of stuff and never gets off. I've taken it before and it did not do anything to me. now I have had trouble with anxiety when I get off of a strong cycle and did not take the proper precautions with pct. I learned from that mistake! I ended up in the doctors office getting anti depresants for a while. I hope everyone knows by now to take post cycle therapy (pct), not only to help keep gains, but to also keep your emotions in check.
Probably due to it being a vet grade steroid. As for excess estrogen, well EQ aromatizes poorly, id say if u didnt get anxiety on testosterones i doubt u will get it because of EQ estrogen conversion.
Thracian said:
My previous cycle was 500mg/wk test e only and I didn't have a problem.
EQ is like testosterone-light. If you are concerned, then just forgo it in lou of testosterone. For example, 700mg/week of test might well be just as good as 350mg/week of test+350mg/week of EQ.

500mg/week of test+500mg/week of EQ+500mg/week of deca isn't any heathier than 1g of test/week. I think it is likely the other way 'round, in fact.
Well, that's what I thought. In fact I ran a thread asking about just running higher doses of test instead of adding a 2nd drug and everyone advised against it??
Thracian said:
Anyone hear of EQ causing anxiety? Came across this on another forum. Haven't heard this anywhere else. I'm getting ready to start a cycle that includes 400mg/wk of EQ. I have problems with anxiety sometimes and this concerns me some. Any thoughts?

Winny was the only drug on which I experienced any Psychological side effects post cycle. Even then it was extremely mild so dont even know if it was the drug.
Thracian said:
Well, that's what I thought. In fact I ran a thread asking about just running higher doses of test instead of adding a 2nd drug and everyone advised against it??
Sorry I missed that thread. Only one I remember is this one, which I'm reading a little differently.

We have at least a couple of rather large members on this board that run just larger doses of testosterone and they are some of the biggest guys on the board.