EQ kit needs


New member
I want to make 50mls of EQ and I may get 10grams of powder but I am unsure of what exact kit to get and where to get it. I need
41ml oil
syringes 3cc + 5/10cc
18 or 20 gauge needles
mixing vial
sterile vial
Whatman sterile filter.
all you need is 40ml of oil and 10g eq. add them together, sterile filter, heat sterilize and you good to go. No BA needed but you can add 3% if it makes you feel better. this as easy as it gets on conversions. i hate the smell and taste of eq. good luck bro.
Wouldn't going without BA open you up for possible contamination? I guess there's really no "food" for a bacteria or two that get in there, but I still like the idea that even if I fuck up and get a few germs in my gear, the BA will save my ass.
oil isnt important as long as its filtered in the process.

once again use BA if you like. it does not kill bacteria. one guy posted to let pellets sit over night to insure sterility. I have no idea where he got that from but he couldnt tell me when i asked. I only use BA as a solvent and preservative, not for sterility. if BA was the magic potion everone thought it was, all you would have to do is add oil and ba and not filter or bake. unfortunatetly this is the real world and juice is as close to a magic potion as we gonna get. BA and BB are wonderful solvents and they have thier place in todays home labs. you gius study this stuff out and dont take my word for it. thats why so many have bad info now from listening to other home chemists who have not cracked a book. you guys be safe.

and one more time: i have never had a bac infection from doing home made gear but have had a couple from mex/europe gear which as we all no is loaded with BA. that speaks for itself.
Ifrit said:
Is cottonseed oil best or does it matter?
Since you have a choice id stay away from cottonseed. Ive been reading a lot about its negative effects on your health. Maybe someone else can chime in about it but there are so many other oils out there like peanut, grapeseed, seasame, safflower etc.
if you can get it grapeseed is the best. lower vis and extremely healthy. they treat cancer patients witht this stuff. very potent antioxident as well.

cotton seed oil has been rumored to create sterility in men. I have only read a couple of reports making this claim but they looked legit. so if you want more kids and you may be one in ten that it COULD affect dont use it. the same can be said for test.