Eq vs anavar for an endurance athlete


New member
What's up guys, this is my first post on here even though I've been lurking on the forums for quite a while. As far as an athlete looking for more muscle endurance/ lean dense gains would you go with eq or var? I've ran a handful of test only cycles but am looking to add some new compounds the next time I hop on cycle
What's up guys, this is my first post on here even though I've been lurking on the forums for quite a while. As far as an athlete looking for more muscle endurance/ lean dense gains would you go with eq or var? I've ran a handful of test only cycles but am looking to add some new compounds the next time I hop on cycle

muscular endurance has to do with the bodies ability to get oxygen to the muscle via blood and to flush away lactic acid. Eq will increase you bodies red blood cell count and will increase the bodies ability to bring oxygen to the muscle and thus enhance your muscular endurance.
however, if your RBC gets too high, just the opposite will happen, your blood will be thick and you'll suffer from hypertension.

var for basic strength gains but cycle must be short 6-8 weeks -- Eq for strength plus increased RBC and better muscular endurance, and the cycle can go on for a good 14+ weeks. you will need blood work and check hematocrit during cycle though.

also, you need test as a base for either one of those compounds.
muscular endurance has to do with the bodies ability to get oxygen to the muscle via blood and to flush away lactic acid. Eq will increase you bodies red blood cell count and will increase the bodies ability to bring oxygen to the muscle and thus enhance your muscular endurance.
however, if your RBC gets too high, just the opposite will happen, your blood will be thick and you'll suffer from hypertension.

var for basic strength gains but cycle must be short 6-8 weeks -- Eq for strength plus increased RBC and better muscular endurance, and the cycle can go on for a good 14+ weeks. you will need blood work and check hematocrit during cycle though.

also, you need test as a base for either one of those compounds.
excellent post man.. u nailed it!
Eq is great for endurance and much cheaper than var, but var is an awesome compound. One of my favorites. Just be safe about it either way. Oh and var will make you cramp up if you run the high ass doses i like to run...i.e., 150-200mgs/day
Id say low test just to supplement the endogenous test loss + EQ.
As mentioned, EQ will up your red blood cell count, increasing O2 transport capability = more endurance.
Var inst normally taken over a long period of time, and may cause cramping..and is more expensive as it was said.
EQ+Test FTW imo