

bulldog god
is one of the effects of EQ to make you more vascular? becuase i am mixing eq with tren e, deca , and test e
jarbulldog said:
is one of the effects of EQ to make you more vascular? becuase i am mixing eq with tren e, deca , and test e
many report increased vascularity with eq . i THINK its the increase in red blood cells but dont hold me too that part lol .
DADAWG said:
many report increased vascularity with eq . i THINK its the increase in red blood cells but dont hold me too that part lol .

From what I understand that is true. But don't count on seeing much in the way of vascularity unless your sub-10% BF. Also your genetics play some part in your vascularity, but most people say EQ made them very vascular.
Wow that is alot of stuff in one cycel EQ, Deca, Tren, and Test. what happened you couldnt narrow it down or do you like injecting 4ml at a time?
DADAWG said:
many report increased vascularity with eq . i THINK its the increase in red blood cells but dont hold me too that part lol .

I believe I agree with what DAWG said, I think its the increase in red blood cells.

I am not vascular normally, but I can get on just about any steroid and I will become vascular after a few weeks of it kicking in.
my current cycle has EQ in it. i started out at 300mg weekly...then tried going up to 450mg weekly, and had awful headaches. So i backed it back down. guess its the RBC
DADAWG said:
many report increased vascularity with eq . i THINK its the increase in red blood cells but dont hold me too that part lol .

I agree with that statement. EQ made by blood thick as hell.
jarbulldog said:
i was thinking increased red blood cells would increase bp

I've used eq quite a bit over the past several years. I like it because it's mild in terms of sides. I've used EQ with test more than a couple of times with no increase in bp for me. I do believe it increases my vascularity, but my bf always hovers around 10%. I've also between doing HGH at 2 iu's ed for 2 years now, and I feel that is also responsible for significant vascularity increases in me.

If your bodyfat is near 10% or lower, you could very well experience an increase in vascularity with EQ and Tren in your cycle. Throw in some cardio and a good cutting type diet and look out! That said, Tren seems to elevate my bp a little, but nowhere near as much as dbol.

Vascularity has a lot to do with genetics, and like the other guys said above, when your sub 10% bodyfat you will notice it more.

I'm usually pretty vascular around 7-8%, but when EQ is added, it tends to make me a lot more veiny, but that's just me.

I love it, and even though it takes a little while to kick in, it's worth it in my opinion. Great appetite on it for me as well.