Eql Info

why do you say it like that? i believe he gave a good explaination. you should give him credit actually. shit, if it were me i couldn't care less if they thought it was fake or not lol.

See, now you see where im coming from here. I should care less, but these guys are friends of mine and i hate to be accused of fucking them over. I hope by sending them to these boards they can see that i didn't cheat their asses. I'll tell you though, if they keep complaining im never helping them out again. They need to just take the shit and watch themselves grow and stop whining to me.
wise guy, tell them its fake , then email me i will give you my info so you can send the fake stuff to me so i can get rid of it properly. is that a deal bro ??? cant have that fake stuff out there lol

bro dont worry about it. like you said they need to take it grow and shut the fuck up.
house1 said:
wise guy, tell them its fake , then email me i will give you my info so you can send the fake stuff to me so i can get rid of it properly. is that a deal bro ??? cant have that fake stuff out there lol

bro dont worry about it. like you said they need to take it grow and shut the fuck up.

That's a great idea. house1, let's split it!!!
Well talked to my friends today and i finally received a thanks from them. They love the EQL enanthate and EQ. They have both gained around 10lbs allready and are loving the strength increases. Now they are begging for more. Now i cant wait to start my cycle in a month.
DRveejay11 said:
400 mg/ml EQ
400 mg/ml Test Enth

Gotta love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey Drveejay, What ever happen with the Tren/prop?
Did you take care of the problem with the pain.

And from what I've been reading BlueDiamond Tren/Prop is totally painless. Might have to go with them.

Thanks Micro