Equipoise and Testosterone Enanthate Cycle


That Other Guy
Period for 12 weeks.

Equipoise 500mg/week
Test E 750mg/week

Also B12 Injection everyday.

12 percent body fat.

Took first shot last Tuesday. Was like syrup only had knots in my quads for 3 days. Then went away.
how old r u? any other cycles workout history? imo ur have a lot u can gain on ur own without the gear before u think about gear u have to get ur diet and trainning together first
I am 26 years old. I have a diet plan and workout planned out. I go workout for two hours starting at 3 am and then in the afternoon for little over a hour. This is my first cycle. 5 days working out and one day off.
Regardless of your stats that others already commented, that is a crazy first cycle IMO

1,25gram of steroids for a first cycle is way too much, you dont even know how your body is going to respond...

Best for you would be Test E at 500mg/w alone, you will grow like you cant imagine and the sides shouldnt be too risky

now IF you really want to include boldenone in your first cycle I'd do 250mg of test and 300/400mg of bold, nothing more..
Last week when injecting into the quad blood squirted out I went a little too fast with the EQ. I am noticing some gains already on my second week.
dude slow down i hope u got nolvadex and post cycle therapy (pct) planed out. i agree with g1234 you have too much test in there for a first cycle and there is no need to stack yet, you will gain 20-25 lbs just with test e at 500 mg a week. i did Sustanon (sust) 250 a week with d bol 30 mg ed weeks 1-4 and gained 20 pounds on my first cycle.
Funny thing is. I don't feel aggressive and also I am not getting any acne. Is there a reason for this?

i dont get aggressive or acne, people respond differently. also youve only been on like two weeks, it hasnt even kicked in yet. youll probably see acne, if you are prone, 5-6 wks in. some only get it when they come off.
wow dude this is a train wreck waiting to happen, 160lbs drop down to 350-400mg test e a week and use nothing else, post up your diet so you can get some feedback because theres no way your eating right, and as others have said sides will show up in a few weeks.
Yeah I am feeling good noticing gains. I got acne on my back. I feel more focused at work. My report writing quality has become a lot better. I wonder if the B12 has anything to do with that part.
4th week shots went great in the Quad again. But wait forgot. Right quad hit a nerve leg twitched kicked the needle right out. Good thing I don't have a loose grip. Changed needles and when in smooth and slow. Noticing more veins and strength. Can do more weight more reps and set. Don't want to push it injurying myself. But feel good and ready. My focus has gone up. Also I don't feel depressed! I feel good. Pictures come later.
how much lbs have you gained so far?

4-5 lbs, believe its water weight too. I am getting veins now. Getting the one that runs across top of my bicep and its not small. Only can see it when I work out/lightly when not. Also my forearms veins are showing major ones. When I workout all the little ones show too.
hmm 5lbs in 4 week? that's like me.. i'm also in this bold/test cycle, and I am getting angry to gain so few as compared to a test only cycle. I wonder why.. is there some inhibition of the test by the boldenone on receptors or something.. but at least I see it seems to be the same for everybody running boldenone.
EQ prob has a effect. I wonder if it keeps the water weight down from the Test E at all? Which might be not so much weight. Prob more quality that can be kept.