Equipoise and Testosterone Enanthate Cycle

ya....up your test to a minimum of 500mg a week to see good results, your eq is at the least effective dosage for males, i would even up that to 600mg a week, as for the cycle length, eq needs to be ran a min of 12weeks for noticible gains and effectivness, with that said you should run your test e and extra week after to make pct times combine accordingly. pct start time for eq is 21 days after last inject, as for test e its 14, so plan accordingly

Just a question, how much clomid (dosage wise) would be necessary to run PCT for this cycle? In addition to clomid, should anything else be added to PCT, or clomid is enough? I'm running the same cycle right now. Thanks.
Hey i am takin 40 mg/ day D-bol pills, and 2 shots a week, 1cc Eq 300 mixed with test 400. First shot in my shoulder did everything right aspirated and all that stuff, very clean set up, and both my buddy and I have red swollen shoulders that are very stiff and hard. We are using Underground Steroid Pharm products, anyone know much about them? Does it make a difference what the product is suspended in?

On on my 6th cycle now. and from previous experience the swelling and pain from the injections sounds like it is due to the higher than normal concentration of your gear. By that I mean that EQ's normal concentration is 200mg/ML, and the test is usually 100 prop/200 e or c/250 sust. Therefore test 400 and eq 300 are higher than normal concentrations of the gear than usual dosages which is contributing to your swelling, redness and pain. Consider injecting less than 1 cc and more frequent times per week if you want to keep using the gear that you have now.