Equipoise cycle experience please!


New member
I'm about to do my third cycle (first IM). What I've decided to go with is equipoise only 400mg/wk (followed by nolva/hcg).

Has anyone done an equipoise only cycle before? I've read a ton about what to expect, but I'm looking for some personal experiences.

Before I get to mixing AAS's, I prefer to try them on their own to see how they effect my body. So I really don't need advice on what to stack it with.

So please, if anyone has some experience with equipoise only, I'd love to hear about the dosages and results.

Thanks guys,

It's highly advisable to run at least an Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) dose of test along with your EQ, something like 150-200mg EW would be fine...Otherwise once your own Test levels are surpressed you could suffer from lathergy, low sex drive....read up on low test levels in men and you will get a better idea.
Lucky13 said:
It's highly advisable to run at least an Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) dose of test along with your EQ, something like 150-200mg EW would be fine...Otherwise once your own Test levels are surpressed you could suffer from lathergy, low sex drive....read up on low test levels in men and you will get a better idea.

HCG Use with anabolic steroids
In the world of performance enhancing drugs, hCG is increasingly used in combination with various Anabolic Androgenic Steroid (AAS) cycles.

When Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) are put into a male body, the body's natural negative feedback loops cause the body to shut down its own production of testosterone via shutdown of the HPTA (hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis). High levels of AASs that mimic the body's natural testosterone trigger the hypothalamus to shut down its production of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) from the hypothalamus. Without GnRH the pituitary gland stops releasing luteinizing hormone (LH). LH normally travels from the pituitary via the blood stream to the testes where it triggers the production and release of testosterone. Without LH, the testes shut down their production of testosterone, causing testicular atrophy ("shrunken balls").

In males, hCG mimics LH and helps restore / maintain testosterone production in the testes. As such, hCG is commonly used during and after steroid cycles to maintain and restore testicular size as well as endogenous testosterone production. However, if hCG is used for too long and in too high a dose, the resulting rise in natural testosterone will eventually inhibit its own production via negative feedback on the hypothalamus and pituitary.

Taken from Wikipedia

... this, of course, is the reason I won't be taking any Test. Running a small amount of hcg near the end of the cycle (and afterwards) is the plan.
Lucky13 said:
It's highly advisable to run at least an Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) dose of test along with your EQ, something like 150-200mg EW would be fine...Otherwise once your own Test levels are surpressed you could suffer from lathergy, low sex drive....read up on low test levels in men and you will get a better idea.
Running a little test would be a good idea. A lot of guys will say tets only first cycle and not a bad idea so you can monitor sides, etc., but if you are going to run EQ only, test can't hurt.
Old Balls said:
Running a little test would be a good idea. A lot of guys will say tets only first cycle and not a bad idea so you can monitor sides, etc., but if you are going to run EQ only, test can't hurt.
not to mention 400 mg of eq by itself is a WEAK WEAK cycle .
my first cycle was 400mg/ eq /week didnt get a whole lot from this cycle and for the amount of money it cost i wouldnt recomend it
Didn't understand the power of this stuff until I went up to 750mg's........then that shit kicked in hard!
Test-E or Test-C @200-300mgs EW

EQ@600mgs EW

Proviron@ 50mgs ED - throughout cycle

Cycle length - 14-16 weeks

You should be completely satisfied with this cycle.

I just finished Test-e 700mg and Eq 700mg for 16 weeks. Gains were just as good with the original test only cycle. Besides vascularity, I found nothing special about EQ. I wouldn't spend money on it again.
Thanks for the advice, but it'll be EQ only - along with HCG and a good PCT.
Seems like no one (here) has done an EQ only cycle. I'll post my progress in the 'my cycle' forum.

I prefer to be my own guinea pig and see what individual compounds do before I start to mix 'n match.


I am not a fan of EQ it seems you need to be at a sub 10% bf in order to see any of the results (Vascularity, muscle gain) I feel it is a very weak androgen and not at all worth the money.
I've been very intent on running one compound at a time to see how they affect me individually. However, after much research, I have to say I am leaning towards a test cyp/eq cycle. Because it's my first IM cycle I'll probably go with 300mg cyp/wk & 450mg eq/wk.

Can't wait to start, look for my log in the appropriate forum.

pEAce guys,

If your going to run eq only expect a gradual increase in strength if your out of shape. If your in decent shape already your going to see a whole lotta vascularity but not much in the size department. This is what happened to me at least, but everyone is different. Overall I think your idea to throw in a little test cyp is a better idea.
sirxxlew said:
If your going to run eq only expect a gradual increase in strength if your out of shape. If your in decent shape already your going to see a whole lotta vascularity but not much in the size department. This is what happened to me at least, but everyone is different. Overall I think your idea to throw in a little test cyp is a better idea.

Yeah, that's why it's seeming like a better idea. If I'm going to use IM AAS, then I want to see some quality size gains as well. Obviously, T is the grandaddy of them all, so it should get me closer to my goals.

I've been training for 10 years (I'm now 30) and have reached close enough to my genetic potential. Though my diet is extremely clean, I still generally carry between 14-16% bf. I'm about 198lbs, 5'11". I can deadlift 500lbsX1, I press 95lb dumbells on incline presses (for 8-10 reps) and am box-squatting 225 for 12 reps (my form was suffering from regular squats, so I dropped my weight and used box squats to retrain my form - hence the high reps right now). I imagine I could probably box squat 315 for a rep or two.

Still, I don't have a physique that looks like I can lift this weight. I can't wait to post my before and after pictures.

Through more cardio, a clean diet, good training and AAS, I'd like to drop to 9% bf while putting on 12-15lbs of lean mass over 12-16 weeks. The length will all depend on how I'm feeling near the end of the cycle. This'll start on May 9-10th - my 30th birthday present to myself!
