Equipoise+ cycle for endurance and agression


New member
Hi, I train wrestling and kickboxing. I've done some 6 cycles before.
Currently I've started equipoise 600-700 mg per week, EOD Stanazolol 20 mg and Halotestin 10 mg (not at the same day)
Aims: endurance, less fat more muscle, some agression.
Do you think I make a mistake here not adding test in this cycle?
yes you have made many mistakes.

EQ needs to be ran for along time, such as 16weeks minimum,takes along to to kick and the gains come on are slow and steady. you dont need to take winstrol unless you preping for a contest.

i would run a test/EQ cycle like this,


AI-arimidex/ start out with .25mgs/EOD, you may need to adjust it,depends on your body and how its reacts.

PCT-clomid/50/50/50/50 nolvadex/40/40/20/20
Will it be OK if I use omna 250 twice a week taking into account I don't need any extra weight. Or prop or suspension is better?
Horrible advice. For athletic purposes keep your test as trt high range 200mg a week. EQ max 400mg a week. No winny as it increases chance of ligament damage. Probably the worst steroid for athletes. Anavar at 50mg a day and halotestin couple weeks before competing and during competition.