New member
In Post #16 you said you planned on pinning 250mg twice a week. And that is what most people do. Sounds like you pinned 450mg yesterday. Math is a bitch.
But you should not have started as you don't have everything in hand yet.
So can you lay out by week how much and what you will be running? Let's see the details.
Yeah man thats what my plan was and then I realised later that I indeed pinned 450mg by mistake, derp. So what will I do now man, will I pin an extra 50/100mg later this week or just let it be for this week?
HCG, I know, Rich Piana rightly fucked me up along with other posts that say its not necessary etc, i was just super excited to start but all isnt lost, ill have it next monday so 1 week wouldnt hurt me too much right?
Testosterone ethanate 500mg per week(250mg on Monday and 250 mg on Thursday ) for 12 weeks
Arimedex 0.5mg every 3rd day 12 weeks (Apparently no right dose for this, trial and error for the individual)
Hcg 500iu per week(250iu along with testosterone injection) 12 weeks
I still need dosage on them man, i cant find them in your sig link, i go to the other link but cant see it?
In the last hour my balls have been achy, not pain but slight pulsing pins and needs feeling, just throwing that in.
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