EST Propadrol EP 30 day Review + Pics


Damm it I Love Fighting
Hi everyone!!!...It is good to be back on the board...It's been a while since my last post. Last time I suffered an accident were 275 pounds fell on my chest, cracking 4 ribs :crying:...
I came back to bodybuilding because of another accident...5 herniated disks...3 lumbar and 2 It was time to take care of me!!
I did walking, swimming, spinning and a good diet...but I was struggling with low stamina and desire to workout...So I got my hands on EST Propadrol EP, and Black powder and got back in the gym to hit the weights..
First week : I did Prop at 4 caps a day and 1 scoop of BP 45min before working out...I started slow with 2 days Chest-Triceps, 2 days Shoulder-back-biceps, 1 day 3 miles on treadmill-legs and abs EOD...By the end of the week to give an example, on bench press I jumped from 135lb to 185lbs 8reps...
Second week: I did Prop at 4 caps a day and 1 scoop of BP 45min before working out…Workouts were explosive and intense…Felt like a million dollars…little muscle pains, awesome recovery and strength was good…Went from 185 (8 reps) to 205 8reps…Muscles felt tight and pumped even way after my workout…
Third week: I did Prop at 6 caps a day and 1 scoop of BP 45min before working out and 1 after… Strength was amazing…went from 205lbs to 225x2sets (8reps)…I felt the muscles growing under my shirt and the fat melting away…I didn’t felt this way for a long time!!...Had to increase my protein intake to 2g x pound and carbs to 300g a day and 80 to 88 oz of water intake. By the end of week 3 and start of week 4 , I increased to 8 pills a day for 3 days…Won’t recommended…Felted a little pressure on my Liver…
Week 4: I dropped down to 4 pills a day and no Black powder…I did add a Liver Detox just to be on the safe side… I have to say that this last week was a struggle…Shoulders were hurting and back was hurting even more…my stamina went downhill this week… I managed to finish the week with a great workout and the picture I’m posting are from each week.
I wanted to share this with you guys since we look for references and past experiences…Use mine and make the tweaks you want to that works for you.
During all the cycle I used L-Carnitine at 3g, Cromium Picolinate 400mcg a day, Amino 23000, Saw Palmento 2g, Multivitamings and 3g of vitamin C…
I hope this helps…Be safe people…
Forgot to put the pics of when I started...

Stats @ beginning of December:
Age 35
Height: 5'11
Weight : 225lb
Biceps: 16 1/2"
tights : 23"
Calves : 15 1/2"

Stats @ the beginning of the cycle: 2/11/11

Age 36 (January)
Height: 5'11
Weight : 210 lbs
Biceps: 16 1/2"
tights : 23 1/2"
Calves : 15 1/2"

Stats @ the end of the cycle: 3/11/11

Age 36
Height: 5'11
Weight : 198 lbs
Biceps: 17 1/2"
tights : 26"
Calves : 16 1/2"

I had no noticeable sides except at 8 capsules a day.
I did the Proadrol way back when and didnt really have any luck with it ,not saying its a bad products just want a good one for me .
A lot of people had mixed results with it... I just wanted to share thing is to talk about it, but I wanted to experiment with it.... I really like it...