Estadiol = 98, took .5 mg ai and now exhibit crashed estrogen level symptoms


Vegan Carnivore
I've been on 500mg test cyp for 5 weeks now, ran bloods and test levels are 1500+ while Estradiol is at 98.
Keep in mind that I had not taken an ai for a week at that point, so the reading at the time was probably on its way up. That night I took a .5mg tab of ai (pharma grade), and within 24 hours, libido was completely gone, my joints hurt, I was exhausted, and back acne started to appear.

Does this sound right? Or did I pull a noob mistake and take too much ai? I haven't taken ai any for 3 days now, and libido is still down, and still feel a bit tired.
E of 98 is not severely elevated. Imo you over reacted. Need to remember that the Testosterone to estrogen RATIO is the most important in regards to how you feel (not the total numbers of each). If your testosterone to estrogen ratio gets way far apart then you will feel like shit. When you have Test in supraphysiological levels like you have ie., 1500+ your supposed to have higher levels of estrogen too! Thats how the body is meant to work. If your trying to greatly raise your test levels and way way lower your E levels at the same time then you will feel like shit.

If your E levels get super elevated cause you aromatize like a bitch , eg., 200+ then yeah you need to lower them with more AI. But 98 is not bad considering your super high test levels. NOW if you were off cycle, then yes you want to see your E in the low normal range, but when your blasting Test it is completely appropriate for you to be above the range, again because we want to keep that balance with Test to estrogen ratio, E needs to go up as Test levels get to supraphysiological ranges. Forcing E to stay low will cause you to feel shitty.

Yes competitive bodybuilders will use AI to force their E way down to try and get dry as can be but they know they are going to feel like shit, but they do it to compete. IF your not competing then let your E levels stay on the higher side so you feel better and you'll make more gains

+rep given. And thanks for the details...
It's the first time I've seen slightly elevated levels with estro since running this blast/c***se over past 2 years. Afraid your right on the overreaction with .5mg....just had no idea that it would bottom out like it did, so fast. I'm going to try .25mg arimidex, twice a week after giving my estro some time to rebound, will retest blood again in 3-4 weeks.
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I can't believe you got low E sides from .5mg with an e2 number that high.... it isn't like you took 3mg or something.

Are you running Tren by chance? Can throw off the E number.
Bullshit on .5 mgs of Adex crashing your E2. Bullshit .... That cannot happen that fast. .5 mgs will not crash E2 when on 5oomgs of Test a week. I will say at 500 mgs and your level only at 1,500 that is not high. Most ranges go to 1100 or 1200. Sounds like your Test is low dose. When I cycle with say 750mgs of Test my levels exceed >9,000 ng/dL

you still might have high Test level due to it being on the rise. Why I say this is because your symptoms mimic high E2 also. If you look into the sides you will see that both high and low Estradiol sides are very similar and can confuse you.

Stay the course with your Test and do .25 Adex EOD or .5 E3D... Get more bloods but I think if you wait it out with Adex change you levels will stabilize.
The dose was legitimately .5 mg, and there had not been any AI taken the week prior to the blood test. No tren or other substance.
The blood test I took only shows a 1500+, so for levels above won't give me an exact amount. I'd imagine 3000+ at the very least.
It does seem strange though to crash with such a low dose.

I have experience with crashing levels (year prior, and mismanaged my AI dose) and when I took the .5mg with estro at 98, it felt exactly the same. Especially ankles/knees, lethargy, and soreness associated with crashed Estro.
I will try to get some more bloods this week to confirm.

you still might have high Test level due to it being on the rise.
I would normally agree with this, except for the sore joints...I don't recall ever seeing this symptom being associated with rising test levels/high estro?
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I agree with Oldmusclemike ~ 1 - 0.5 Mg dose of Arimidex won't and can't crash your Estrogen.
Especially if it's at 98, which is Sky High.
You would normally want your Estro in at Mid 20's to Low 30's, depending on age.

I'm in my 60's, and I'd be Growing Tits if my Estrogen was 98.
Which begs a couple of questions.

1 ~ was this the Sensitive Estradiol Bloodtest, cause this is the one you want to get done, the other is Notorious for Inaccuracies.
2 ~ is Test the only compound that you are doing, cause if it is, that's a whole lot of Aromatization for only 500 mg a week.

Even for the most Aggressive of Cycles.
I wouldn't recommend Estradiol Levels going over 40 Pg/Ml.
After that, the Side Effects will go way up, like Bloating/BP spikes/Erectile Dysfunction/and Gyno................ JP
Not to mention with Excessively High Estradiol ~ Kiss Your Gains Goodbye !