Estrodex and gyno.. Any expirence?


New member
so I want to know if estrodex will prevent gyno. I think that it falls under the category of an AI, but it's a fairly new product and I would like to know if estrodex is going to prevent me from getting it. I ordered it, but wondering If I should send it back. If anyone has expirence with it or anyone that can tell me some research they found on it would be gravely appreciated because im tripping out about getting bitch tits.... I would use a SERM.. But I can't find any.
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I'm also running SDMZ... I hear it's unlikely to get gyno on SDMZ but still possible.. Any help? I just want to know if the estrodex will help prevent it...
I just searched the stuff up . Honestly . i would definetly NOT trust myself using that to prevent gyno . Not worth the risk in my opinion . Why dont you check the board sponsor RUI for liquidex !? either that or unless u can get some real arimidex or aromasin
Just wasted your money on DIM and 3,5,4'-trihydroxy-trans-stilbene aka reservatrol. While DIM DOES work at assisting with flushing out metabolized estradiol, it does NOTHING for estradiol prevention. (it's not an AI in any way, shape, or form)

Regarding the SDMZ, I don't remember what the mystery ingredient that the original had, but I know the main ingredient was a PH form of superdrol. (essentially converts to SD) This in itself does not aromatize, but the testosterone base you should be running with it will. Just be sure to use enough REAL AI, and you should be fine. (adex is the easiest for most)

My .02c :)