Estrogen help!! 530 estrogen


New member
:chainsaw:Been on a test only cycle- test CYP at 750mgs, never had any signs of high estrogen or never got or have gyno, so. I never needed to run any antie...previous blood work on cycles have came back with estrogen always good. I just got blood work done during this cycle and estrogen came back at 530. Total Test:2757. DHT:140 prolactin:8 all other was good (lipid, liver, kidney, BP) i was doing research on letro, but it seems wayy too harsh and a lot says only due last resort for gyno (which i do not have) what are some peoples thoughts or personal use when estrogen got slightly out of hand.?
You don't wait for symptoms/side effects/high estrogen to manage it. You should ALWAYS use an AI. You are not a unique snow flake. You will aromatize. Maybe not at the same rate as someone else, but it will happen, period.

That being said, I'm not an expert by any means. Typical AI dose for 500mg a Test a week would be .5mg of Arimidex every 3rd day. That may be a good starting point. However, those that know more than I may have a better protocol. Those dose of Armidex for 750mg may be higher.
:chainsaw:Been on a test only cycle- test CYP at 750mgs, never had any signs of high estrogen or never got or have gyno, so. I never needed to run any antie...previous blood work on cycles have came back with estrogen always good. I just got blood work done during this cycle and estrogen came back at 530. Total Test:2757. DHT:140 prolactin:8 all other was good (lipid, liver, kidney, BP) i was doing research on letro, but it seems wayy too harsh and a lot says only due last resort for gyno (which i do not have) what are some peoples thoughts or personal use when estrogen got slightly out of hand.?

I think this is the first time you've gotten real gear if you've never needed an AI at doses like that. You don't have a mild issue, you have around TEN TIMES the upper limit.

Adex, at 0.5mg EOD. Lion at the top of your screen carries it.
I think this is the first time you've gotten real gear if you've never needed an AI at doses like that. You don't have a mild issue, you have around TEN TIMES the upper limit.

Adex, at 0.5mg EOD. Lion at the top of your screen carries it.

I was taking adex at 1mg EOD and started expirencing heart palps not sure if due to that. However they did stop when i came off it...i was informed to do letro at .5 e3d but i am very skeptical due to how harsh it gets on joints,libido..etc. it seems most people are agreeing with adex though
I was taking adex at 1mg EOD and started expirencing heart palps not sure if due to that. However they did stop when i came off it...i was informed to do letro at .5 e3d but i am very skeptical due to how harsh it gets on joints,libido..etc. it seems most people are agreeing with adex though

So from one extreme to the other. No wonder why you feel like crap. Run the adex at the dose I mentioned, it shouldn't crash you, and will certainly bring your estradiol down to a more boner friendly level. ;)

ALL AI's are harsh on the joints if you take too much. You crushed your estradiol with the adex too. 1mg ED is WAY too much for your dose of test.
So from one extreme to the other. No wonder why you feel like crap. Run the adex at the dose I mentioned, it shouldn't crash you, and will certainly bring your estradiol down to a more boner friendly level. ;)

ALL AI's are harsh on the joints if you take too much. You crushed your estradiol with the adex too. 1mg ED is WAY too much for your dose of test.

Yea i was greatly misinformed by a "know it all" who tried bashing tons of research i did, like an asshole i listened to him :). I have adex on hand, i will continue it at that dose and hope for the best ! Im surprised ny sex drive is still there at least.:agreed:
Yea i was greatly misinformed by a "know it all" who tried bashing tons of research i did, like an asshole i listened to him :). I have adex on hand, i will continue it at that dose and hope for the best ! Im surprised ny sex drive is still there at least.:agreed:

You're lucky, the penis is kind of like our hormone "canary", it's one of the first things to have problems when there's an imbalance.