estrogen problem please help


basically my libido has been shot for the past 3 weeks or so. was doing 350 tren and 350 test a week so i thought it was the tren.. or i thought my caber was bunk, so i got new caber then a week later went to get my e2 and prolactin checked - then i lowered the tren to 175mg a week. prolactin was good, e2 was 108. slowly lowered it using aromasin, i hit a sweet spot, i was so fucking horny, then i fucking crashed it again. that same day

then i dropped the tren completely and added masteron @ 350mg a week.

a few days later, still feeling like shit, dry joints and all.. i went to get more bloods to check my e2. it was at 42, which is completely 100% normal but i still felt like shit, still had dry joints, still was depressed and in a bad mood, no erection even on 20mg cialis!!! real cialis i got myself from my doctor

that was on wednesday of this week. that was the day i upped my test to 525mg a week.

since wednesday, all i've done is up my test to 525mg a week and dropped the aromasin completely. i feel my sex drive coming back slowly but its still not completely there yet which is causing problems for me and my girlfriend cause we basically havent had sex in almost 3 weeks.

so now i have a dilemma.. i dont know whether or not i missed my sweet spot and now my e2 is high because i upped my test dose, or if im slowly recovering from the low e2.

OR my test is bunk/underdosed. because if i can recall correctly, these problems just started to happen right around the time i opened a new bottle of test. maybe that batch is fucked?

obviously only bloods will tell, i will need to get bloods tomorrow but i just want some predictions. because its completely wrong that i cannot seem to get it fully up even on 20mg of cialis with e2 levels of 42.
I think you got jewed on the test and it s bunk dude.

PCT out start over b4 this is a trainwreck of epic proportions.
I don't think it's hormones. I think you're fighting a battle with your mind, and your dick is the first to suffer. The only other thing I can think to check would be hematocrit and DHT. You do bounce around a lot, and no way did your estradiol bounce back - only to fade in the same day. It just doesn't work that way.

FYI: Libido = desire to have sex. Impotence (or erectile dysfunction) = inability to achieve and/or maintain an erection.

You can have both, but you state one then give examples of the other. If this was hormonal, libido is usually an E2 problem, while prolactin is usually to blame for ED.

The ONLY times I've had a problem WITH cialis regarding ED is when prolactin was yammered up the wazoo, or.. I had some serious shit going on in my life.

My 0.02c :)

Gaijin, you're one astute fellow lol. Serious internet points to you sir. :D
I agree with jumpin from drug to drug even short estered drug s need time to attain both blood plasma level s and to work the magic that they re supposed to...

No offense dude it s a figure of speech 99 percent of which are based in lore and historical precedence.