run them together for TRT or a cycle?
What im thinking is 1ml of each per week. eth, cyp and eq. 10 weeks eq and 12 weeks of test at the higher dose. then ill just slip back to 100mg test as prescribed. thoughts?
Should ethenate hurt for 3 days after your shot? my cyp doesn't do that.
it was a fresh site, normally hit every other week. normal injection, massaged for a few seconds after. feels fine now.
source is good, everything looks legit.
1cc test eth 200mg.
Not sure...but i'm gonna find out!
What im thinking is 1ml of each per week. eth, cyp and eq. 10 weeks eq and 12 weeks of test at the higher dose. then ill just slip back to 100mg test as prescribed. thoughts?
it was a fresh site, normally hit every other week. normal injection, massaged for a few seconds after. feels fine now.
source is good, everything looks legit.
Cyp actually has the shorter half life at 8 days. Enanthate is 10 days.
You can mix & match them in any ratio, they are very close to the same in terms of both half life and percentage testosterone