Ever receive bad advice??


New member
It happens to all of us. You talk to somebody at the gym or have a conversation about lifting and someone gives you bad advice. When I was 16 and just started getting into the gym, I started having pain in my rotator cuff. I asked my brother about it and he said "sometimes you just have to work through the pain". I did and you can imagine what happened. Tore my shoulders to pieces and could barely lift my arms above shoulder height. Yes i was A dumbass for listening, but i didnt know what i was doing!! Let's hear some bad advice you guys received!! Hopefully we get some good stories...
Had a horrible sinus infection a couple years back and it was suggested I take a large shot of Braggs apple cider vinager straight. I did....then ended up puking my guts up and a really bad sinus infection. It was awful!
Sorry about your shoulder. Had to have rotator cuff surgery at 19. Sucked!
don't talk to the guys on the gym. put a mask... say "hi" " bye" "go away mother f*ker" "do you use this machine?" " shut up and squat fool!" " sorry i don't understando friendo"... etc...

use mp3 player.

and let these bunch die quietly...

job and gym is the same... everybody is behind a mask... they all want to seem more smarter than they are realy.
concider them as colleagues. on the same place, for almost the same things. but not necessary to begin your friends.
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