Exercise = elevate heart rate = good <BUT> stimulants = elevated heart rate = bad. Y?


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Exercise = elevate heart rate = good <BUT> stimulants = elevated heart rate = bad. Y?

Why is it that elevating your heart rat via exercise is good, but elevating it via stimulants (caffeine, clen, ephedrine, etc...) is bad?

Does anybody have some decent articles/studies on this? Or even some actual knowledge on it? I'll take your word for it.

Just tell me dammit. I hate cardio, but love Adderall and caffeine. Make me feel better about my habits so I can justify them to myself.


elevated cardio via exercise is good as you naturally elevated the pressure. If you use stimulants to elevate your BP then your forcing your organs, heart etc. to get to work and thus you wear it out and decrease its lifespan, and yours. just my 2ccs.
elevated cardio via exercise is good as you naturally elevated the pressure. If you use stimulants to elevate your BP then your forcing your organs, heart etc. to get to work and thus you wear it out and decrease its lifespan, and yours. just my 2ccs.

That's the short answer.

This is definitely my area of info if you really would love to know more though, so any questions ask away.

You mentioned specifically Adderall, which if you don't already know is straight amphetamine (75% dextroamp/25% levoamp amphetamine isomers), Dexedrine is just pure dextro-amphetamine aka D-Amphetamine the one with the most CNS efffects, least peripheral in effects and vice versa for the levoamp isomer.

Amphetamines are far harsher, stronger, potent, and physically taxing than caffeine, or any other stim except maybe Cocaine/MDMA but they are illicit drugs, Adderall while having heavy abuse potential is prescription and used by many people daily.

Amphetamines will burn you out and cause your body to get a workout in a way that isn't ideal in that it is literally forcing your body into a constant state of fight or flight mode. It achieves this mainly via releasing stored Norepinephrine and Dopamine in the reward centre of the brain creating a state of hyper awareness and energy, if dose is enough it will cause euphoria/sense of well-being/elevated mood (dopamine release above what can be achieved naturally causes a neurotoxic effect, especially higher the dose and longer the use, methamphetamine is far worse in this department), appetite supression and increased metabolism also result.

Doing cardio or any workout on a low dose 10-20mg max for me with Cialis (for BP) I find to be perfect but I do not go all out and it definitely has potential to be fatal in combo with AAS, but only for increased endurance or on a day you really need it if you don't take it daily if that's how your prescribed, it isn't ideal for your heart and it absolutely is better to do it without. IF you must and are prescribed amphetamines please try keep to the lowest dose and if your using AAS absolutely keep an eye on BP, some Cialis ED with the Adderall WILL help. It does for me whenever I use D-Amp. I don't mix it with any other stimulants either.
That's the short answer.

This is definitely my area of info if you really would love to know more though, so any questions ask away.

You mentioned specifically Adderall, which if you don't already know is straight amphetamine (75% dextroamp/25% levoamp amphetamine isomers), Dexedrine is just pure dextro-amphetamine aka D-Amphetamine the one with the most CNS efffects, least peripheral in effects and vice versa for the levoamp isomer.

Amphetamines are far harsher, stronger, potent, and physically taxing than caffeine, or any other stim except maybe Cocaine/MDMA but they are illicit drugs, Adderall while having heavy abuse potential is prescription and used by many people daily.

Amphetamines will burn you out and cause your body to get a workout in a way that isn't ideal in that it is literally forcing your body into a constant state of fight or flight mode. It achieves this mainly via releasing stored Norepinephrine and Dopamine in the reward centre of the brain creating a state of hyper awareness and energy, if dose is enough it will cause euphoria/sense of well-being/elevated mood (dopamine release above what can be achieved naturally causes a neurotoxic effect, especially higher the dose and longer the use, methamphetamine is far worse in this department), appetite supression and increased metabolism also result.

Doing cardio or any workout on a low dose 10-20mg max for me with Cialis (for BP) I find to be perfect but I do not go all out and it definitely has potential to be fatal in combo with AAS, but only for increased endurance or on a day you really need it if you don't take it daily if that's how your prescribed, it isn't ideal for your heart and it absolutely is better to do it without. IF you must and are prescribed amphetamines please try keep to the lowest dose and if your using AAS absolutely keep an eye on BP, some Cialis ED with the Adderall WILL help. It does for me whenever I use D-Amp. I don't mix it with any other stimulants either.

I should have prefaced by mentioning that the adderall is prescribed for daily use. But it does certainly help me hit the gym at 5am. I hardly ever drink caffeine.

I guess my question is why is elevating your heart rate via cardio healthy, but elevating it via stimulants isn't? If your heart is being elevated either way....why is it more dangerous to increase your HR with stims?
I'm not sure that I can explain it any better than this, to keep it simple, Exercise-induced Cardio load is something that is one, naturally induced, and provides many benefits to the brain/body and increases the load the cardiovascular system can endure.

Amphetamines, on the other hand, like mentioned put your body into a constant state of fight or flight mode so your noradrenaline is pumping, your dopamine is rushing (NA is itself a pain reliever, but dopamine increases pain threshold again further). Your adrenal glands are in overdrive, cortisol absolutely pumping. Your blood pressure is jacked way up, my hands and feet get cold on amphetamines due to to increased BP (hence why Cialis really helps). It overworks your cardiovascular system, in a stresfull overloading type of way (anyone every come off amphetamine when used daily knows of the fatige and exhaustion that comprises the acute withdrawals).

To make it short, Amphetamine will only acutely improve performance but isn't doing so long term and favours there, if anything it would hinder your cardio capabillity. There is no replacement for plain good old natural cardio. If you want an edge, stimulant wise, I stick to the tried and true method of a cup of coffee, Cialis or any Nitric Oxide Supplement along with Albuterol (I use in Albuterol inhaler, not for asthma, but to open my airways and for it's benefits on oxygen delievery and lipolysis (fat breakdown for energy) only before Cardio training though as it is a B2 agonist just like Clen, it's short acting baby Clen really. I only use 6 puffs which is 600mcg right before cardio (asthmatics use 1-2 puffs/1-200mcg every 4 hours), it's not a high dose, something I do whenever I do cardio which is every second day on average, receptor downregulation I am not worried about as it has such a short half life and not used daily IIRC you need something like 2G per day to see significant results for fat loss etc, but my goal is for better cardio ability so I can actually build on it thanks to the helpful acute affects of albuterol and breathing. It's quite common.
Adderall/stims constrict your blood vessels and elevate heart rate. So your heart works super hard to pump blood through constricted vessels. Add aas and don't keep your rbc in check and that makes for a bad situation.
Adderall/stims constrict your blood vessels and elevate heart rate. So your heart works super hard to pump blood through constricted vessels. Add aas and don't keep your rbc in check and that makes for a bad situation.

Absolutely right...
Adderall/stims constrict your blood vessels and elevate heart rate. So your heart works super hard to pump blood through constricted vessels. Add aas and don't keep your rbc in check and that makes for a bad situation.

Yes that makes perfect sense. I knew there had to be some variable that made one more dangerous than the other. That's the simplified answer I was looking for :yesway:
I dont mess with it personally. only stim for me is maybe a Green tea or a coffee. feel much better than years ago where i would pop a caff pill and maybe an ephi as a preWO. screw any of that now, and most pre-workouts IMO
Yes that makes perfect sense. I knew there had to be some variable that made one more dangerous than the other. That's the simplified answer I was looking for :yesway:

That's a big reason for heart attacks when people use speed or cocaine. The heart is pumping super hard and fast while ones vessels are constricted. Try doing a hard workout or cardio while breathing through a straw.
Yes that makes perfect sense. I knew there had to be some variable that made one more dangerous than the other. That's the simplified answer I was looking for :yesway:

You can easily avoid this, or at the least reduce this risk but taking a vasolidator like Cialis along with keeping your RBC in check in general.

BTW I don't really condone using amphetamines before PWO at all even though guilty, but if you must, stick to a low dose, take a vasolidator and be sensible all around in health - common sense goes along way