Extreme Joint Pain


New member
Just comming off a cycle of methadrol extreme and my joints feel awful. My joints started hurting early on in the cycle and I decided to tough it out. I am now on my first day of clomid. I feel very tired, my feet hurt, shoulder is killing me, elbows hurt and I think I tore my meniscus in my left knee. WTF?????

I have been taking Glucosamine chondroitin. Any one have any suggestions or encountered this before. I am also very tired. Dont know if it is because of a horomone imbalance or what. I drink a ton of coffee but am way more tired than normal. I havent exercised now for four days due to being tired and joint pain.
Well I didnt get any replies but figured I would give readers an update. I took a week off from lifting with the exception of pushups and some light curls. Shoulder feels much better, all joints are not nearly as achy, and I am going to continue to take the clomid, glucosamine and red yeast rice.

My face is still really broken out but I am no longer tired and the joint pain is much better. Maybe I just needed a rest or maybe something about superdrol didnt set right with me. I will probably try some t-var on my next run in a few months. Let you know how that goes. By the way.... I managed to gain 12lbs (went from 220lbs to 234lbs and now at 232lbs thus far) over the course of a 30 Day cycle even though I didnt lift very heavy and did mostly upper body exercise. Hopefully by the time I do another cycle I will be healthy.