EXTREMELY frustrated with the shape / form of my pecs


New member
Im 30 years old, 6'1" 228-230 pounds. Ive been lifting for years. I am not the worlds leanest guy but I dont have a protruding beer gut.

My pecs NEED to become flatter. its something that bothers me all the time.

everyone says to only do INCLINE bench press / dumb bell press etc. thats what ive spent at least a year or more focusing on. ZERO change. ZERO shape / form / difference.

im going to focus on getting leaner and staying around 230 pounds this winter. I hope getting leaner will make my pecs look a little flatter but I am wondering what I am really missing out on or doing wrong.

My typical chest workouts - pushups, incline dumb bell press, incline flies with dumb bells, and sitting / upright flies on the machine. cant do regular BP anymore due to a shoulder issue.

what am i missing or neglecting here ???
genetics dictate muscle shape, hardly anything you can do about it. a large majority of the populations pectoral muscles are going to look rounder with heavy resistance training. now when you say you're not the leanest guy, do you know your body fat %? if you lose some bf your chest may look smaller/flatter if you're carrying a good amount of fat in that area.
comparing myself now to how i was years ago I would have to think I am under 14% body fat. I had a BF calculator tool that I cant find anymore.
Some people tend to hold a lot of fat on their chest area vs other parts of their body. Now if you have a big chest from years of resistance training, and add some fat ontop of that, it could look unpleasing.
my pecs were thicker at the bottem too. i am 6' 5 and was 240lbs. started doing mostly incline hammer strength machine and incline dumpbell flys for chest day ..... plus lost 13lbs (now i am 227) . my shit is looking a whole lot better. there is a thread some where on this site that has a lot of peoples pics with what there BF is. check it out it really gives you a good idea of where you stand.

good luck