Fake or Failed PCT? Low T, Estradiol, FSH, LH


New member
Hey, I'm 24 years old and 160lbs, 5'5". Did a 10 week cycle of 750mg test e/week with some Tbol and Winstrol thrown in. I have one prior 10 week cycle under my belt at 500mg / day and seemed to recover fine from that, but never got bloods directly after. During this cycle I had bloods done and test came back legit and other values were as expected.

I performed a 4 week PCT starting 2 weeks after last shot with 100/75/50/50 Clomid and 40/40/20/20 nolva and it's been two months since that was performed.

- Estradiol reported as "<5" (ref range 7.6-42.6)
- Test is 139 (ref range 264-916)
- LH is 1.0 (ref range 1.7-8.6)
- FSH is 0.8 (ref range 1.5-12.4)

Does this appear to be a failed PCT, or fake? The funny thing is, I feel fine. Maybe I've always been low T? Don't have a sex drive, but then again, I never really have had that interest so who knows. However, I did have periodic erections occasionally prior to cycle and now I don't. I'm stumped.
this is why we ask people to do baseline labs before running a cycle..

did you ever do a hormone panel before starting the cycle?
I have ordered another round of Clomid and Nolva from a different supplier.
Looking back, it may have been underdosed or fake because I remember feeling great throughout my whole 4 weeks of PCT. However,
that wouldn't explain the fact that at some point in those 4 weeks (starting 2 weeks after last pin) my test levels would've been really low and I shouldn't be feeling great. I feel fine now, but test is well below bottom end of range and estradiol was so low that they just said "<5".

this is why we ask people to do baseline labs before running a cycle..

did you ever do a hormone panel before starting the cycle?

I did not.

why did you wait two weeks after your last pin to start pct?

Ester time of Test E.
Or, only waiting two weeks on 750 mg/wk Test E was not long enough to wait before starting PCT.

Waiting 4 weeks would have been better, it would have put your injected test levels at just about normal body production level at start of PCT, then over the next 4 weeks of PCT'ing they would have bleed down to about 15% of your body's production.

As it was with your plan you were still about 50% suppressed when you exited PCT. So you can't necessarily say it was the drugs, more likely the protocol. If you repeat it again at the same doses and durations you should see a better result.
Or, only waiting two weeks on 750 mg/wk Test E was not long enough to wait before starting PCT.

Waiting 4 weeks would have been better, it would have put your injected test levels at just about normal body production level at start of PCT, then over the next 4 weeks of PCT'ing they would have bleed down to about 15% of your body's production.

As it was with your plan you were still about 50% suppressed when you exited PCT. So you can't necessarily say it was the drugs, more likely the protocol. If you repeat it again at the same doses and durations you should see a better result.

I really appreciate the reply. From what I've read everywhere, people have always said wait 14 days after last pin for test E, which seemed to work last cycle...but that didn't take into account my test dosage for this cycle. I believe that recommendation must've been for the standard beginner 500mg / week. I guess that's my fault. But for shits and giggles, any opinion as to why I feel fine in my current status? Everything seems low and I didn't know it was possible for Estradiol to be that low, especially after PCT. The only other thing off on my BW was BUN/Creatinine being high (meaning slightly dehydrated at time of BW).
And btw, since I'm only partially recovered, should I be waiting another time on = time off after PCT, or is say 8 weeks fine since I'm partially recovered? I'm curious to know since this isnt the usual situation.
And btw, since I'm only partially recovered, should I be waiting another time on = time off after PCT, or is say 8 weeks fine since I'm partially recovered? I'm curious to know since this isnt the usual situation.
time on + pct = time off with the condition that your levels have normalized.. so wait that amount of time and then check your hormone panel again
time on + pct = time off with the condition that your levels have normalized.. so wait that amount of time and then check your hormone panel again

Okay. I'll likely wait 12 weeks or so and get some BW at that point to see if I'm g2g. Thanks for the advice. If I remember, I'll post back here after that period of time to help anyone else out who may encounter the same situation. No guarantees, but I'll try.
PCT Done

Just finished PCT. Getting bloods soon and will post back. Anyone know how long after PCT I must wait for bloods? I'd like to do it in about a week, but if I recall reading correctly, people say to wait two weeks.
Results came back low again so I must have naturally low test levels. I said F*** it and am on another cycle now.